Be Not Afraid

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~Brendon's POV~

I'm just sitting on my bed, stroking Ryan's hair. I meant what I just said to him. I do want to spend the rest of my life with him. But I don't know how my parents would feel. They still don't know that I'm gay...

Ryan gets up off my shoulder, which kind of startled me. "Babe, what's wrong?" I ask.

Ryan half-smiles and shakes his head. "Nothings wrong. I'm just," Ryan laughs. "I'm hungry."

I laugh, too. "Want some cheez-its?" I ask.

Ryan smiles. "Cheez-its are my shit. I love them more than anything else in the world," he pauses. "Well, almost." He gives me a little peck on the cheek.

I smile and walk down the stairs to the kitchen. I open one of the pantries and take out a bag of cheez-its. I'm not so hungry, so I just get a small bag to give to Ryan.

I close the pantry door and walk upstairs. Ryan is looking down at my desk. "What are you doing?" I ask.

Ryan looks at me and says "just admiring all the stickers on your laptop." He doesn't sound suspicious, so I believe him.

I hand Ryan the cheez-its. "Thanks babe," he says to me.

"Only the best for my Ryro."

I see him smile. Oh god, do I love him. I love him I love him I love him a thousand times I love him. I just can't say it enough. I never thought I'd ever find someone to love, let alone love me back. I never want to let him go. I pray I won't fuck up.

Ryan sits on my bed and begins eating his cheez-its. I sit down next to him and rub his back. He leans in to kiss me, and of course I kiss back. Then I laugh because he smells and tastes like artificial cheese.

"You wanna know something, Ry?" I ask, putting my arm around him.

Ryan puts the cheez-its on the bed next to him. He puts his forehead on mine and meets my eyes. "Why yes, my Beebo."

I can't help but smile. I quickly turn serious. "I don't care if we go to school tomorrow and get pushed into lockers and called 'faggot'. As long as I'm there to protect you, I'll be fine."

Ryan closes his eyes and puts his head on my shoulder. Then he whispers in my ear, "Bren, I don't want to go to school if it means I have to see you get pushed into the lockers."

I rest my head on Ryan's and close my eyes. "So then we ditch again."

Ryan doesn't respond. I think he fell asleep, because his breathing pattern sort of fell into that syncopated sleep-breathing (if you have any idea what I'm talking about).

I love Ryan, and I don't want to get up, but I have to use the bathroom. I get up and pull back the covers on my bed. Then I lay Ryan down and tuck him in. I kiss him on the forehead.

When I come back from the bathroom, I check the time. Damn, it's already 10:00pm! Ryan's sound asleep, and I don't want to wake him up, so I carefully and quietly take off my clothes so I'm just wearing my boxers. I carefully climb over Ryan and get into bed next to him so I'm in between him and the window, which is the side of the bed I usually sleep on anyway.

I can't fall asleep, so I close my eyes, and focus on Ryan's breathing. It's so soothing. Finally, I slip away into a deep sleep.

I Love Him (A Ryden Fanfic) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now