Opening Up

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~Ryan's POV~

I hear an alarm clock ring, so I groggily open my eyes. At first I'm confused and don't know where I am, but then I turn over and see Brendon. He's already awake. He's sitting up in the bed next to me.

When Brendon sees that I'm awake, he leans down to kiss me. "So, are we ditching today?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No," I say. "I want to attend classes with you."

Brendon smiles and kisses me. I can feel that he's smiling. He kisses me again. He gets on top of me and I wrap my arms around his neck and we start to make out.

It kinda takes me by surprise when I feel Brendon lick my bottom lip. I've never French kissed anyone before, so I sort of panic, but I open my lips and let him in anyway.

I kinda like the feeling, but it has to be with the right person.

Not that I'd go around French kissing any random person, but still.

Finally I lightly push Brendon off of me. "Babe," I say dreamily. "We have to get ready for school."

Brendon goes over to his dresser and takes out a pair of black skinny jeans and drops them on the floor. Then he rummages through the drawer until he finds some dark blue skinny jeans, and throws them at me.

I catch them.

Brendon sees that I'm confused, and sort of laughs. "You'll need clothes."

I laugh too. "Okay, then can I have a shirt?" 

Brendon hands me a faded My Chemical Romance tee shirt. I know I need to put my clothes on, so I take a deep breath and take my shirt off. I decide that I'll take my pants off last.

Brendon must see in the mirror on his dresser that I have my shirt off, and he turns around. He walks toward me and I freeze. He puts his index finger in the middle of my chest, and slowly drags it down, stopping at the waistband of my pants.

"Damn," I hear him mutter.

I blush, but I don't put the My Chemical Romance shirt on. I keep it off.

After what Brendon had just did, I feel somewhat eager to take my pants off.

Brendon has turned around and is examining his face for zits in the mirror.

I tap him and say, "do you have any underwear I could borrow?"

Brendon turns around and his face lights up. He opens a different dresser drawer and hands me some boxers.

I take my pants and boxers off with Brendon watching me the whole time. He puts his hands on my shoulders and kisses my neck firmly.

I smile at him, trying to look sexy. "Ow," I say, trying to make my voice sound sexy.

Brendon laughs and shakes his head. He turns around and starts to take his clothes off.

I turn around as well, and neither of us turn back around until we're both fully clothed.

I look at the clock. "Beebo, it's 7:50. We should leave for school now so we can hold hands and no one will see us."

Brendon looks me in the eyes. "Wait, we're walking?" He asks.

I nod. Brendon walks toward me and gives me a big kiss.

"Anything for you, babe."

I pick up our backpacks and hand Brendon's to him. He takes his
backpack and then my hand, and we hold hands the entire way to school.

A/N~ Yeah this is a horrible fanfic lmao, but I like writing it, so imma keep going.

I Love Him (A Ryden Fanfic) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now