Bully = Gay

982 11 15

~Ryan's POV~

I wake up in the middle of the night. I roll over to look at the clock on B's bedside table. 2:32 am. Brendon's still asleep.

I close my eyes and try to fall asleep, but after 15 minutes of trying, I realize it's no use.

I lay awake on my back in the bed. After a while, I roll over to look at Brendon. I look him up and down carefully, trying to memorize every little detail about him. I have a feeling when I'm old this is one of the moments I'm gonna remember- the moonlight lighting up Brendon's messy brown hair, how his arm is laying across his stomach, how his lips are parted just enough to see his two front teeth. It's a perfect mouth to kiss. And in fact, I would kiss it if he wasn't asleep.

I don't know how long I lay here for, just observing Brendon. But my eyelids grow heavy, and then my vision is being consumed by darkness, and then I'm asleep.


Is it weird for us to be sleeping together? I don't know. I mean, we're boyfriends, and obviously in love. But I mean, Brendon's parents are here. I don't know. I just... I don't know.

Of course Brendon's awake before I am, and is already dressed by the time I open my eyes.

When my eyes do open, I'm greeted by Brendon's warm smile and deep, sexy laugh.

"Morning, beautiful."

I blush at his comment. I don't answer because he leans down to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"I don't wanna go to school today!" I groan.

Brendon smiles and grabs my hand. "I don't either, but we have to. We're graduating on Thursday and plus my mom will kill us if we don't go."

He pulls me up out of bed. He wraps his hands around my waist so they're sitting just above my ass, and I lightly wrap my hands around his neck, lacing my fingers behind it.

I don't know what we're doing, but suddenly Brendon just starts swaying his hips, and then so do I. We slowly turn around in circles, and we're both smiling.

We slow dance like that for a while, and then Brendon rests his head on my shoulder and tightens his grip. He starts running his hands up and down my back, but not very far. Just enough for my shirt to rub against my back and burn it a little, but I can't complain. I actually kind of like it.

Brendon stops moving all together, and he's just standing there with his head on my shoulder.

I unlace my fingers and put my arms through his, and then grip his shoulders, so if he were to close his arms, mine would be right in his armpits (again, not complaining).

I close my eyes and rest my head on his. And for a minute, nothing else matters. Everything else has fallen away. It's just me and the love of my life. We're not in his room anymore, but we're not really anywhere, I guess. It's like some weird space in the middle of time. Some time pocket. Does that sound dumb? It sounds dumb. I'm dumb.

Brendon picks his head up off of my shoulder, causing me to lift mine up as well.

Brendon puts his hands on my cheeks, and his face is serious. But at the same time, it looks like he could cry. "I love you, okay?" He whispers.

I Love Him (A Ryden Fanfic) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now