Big Day

412 11 8

~Brendon's POV~

I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

I'm shaking so much.

Ryan and I are walking through a park, fingers laced, and so close together you'd think we were conjoined.

"Can we sit down on this bench?" Ryan asks. The question is so weird it sounds like it was scripted for a fucking episode of Dora the Explorer.

I want to laugh, but I can't. I'm too nervous.

"Yeah, of course," I reply with a smile. I know it's a nervous smile, but I hope I can disguise it well enough.

Ryan sits down on the bench, but I don't. Instead, I get down on one knee in front of him.

Before I speak, his hands clap over his mouth and his eyes begin to well up with tears.

"Ryan Ross," I start, but I can feel I'm already starting to cry. I swallow in hopes to push the feeling down my throat.

"We met when we were only seventeen years old, and I knew from the minute I saw you that I loved you."

I take a deep breath as tears start rolling down Ryan's cheeks.

"So, will you do me to great honor of spending the rest of your life with me?" I ask, popping open the box.

Ryan can't speak because he's crying so much. He nods and mouths a silent "yes" as I slip the ring onto his finger.

As soon as a I stand up, Ryan's hands are on my hips and his mouth is on mine. I sit down on the bench next to him and wrap my hands around his back.

People are staring. Look, there are two gay teenagers kissing! Big fucking deal. It's California, not Nevada. I expected more.

"Can we go to a more... private setting?" I ask.

Ryan separates his mouth from mine. The tears are dry on his face. "Whatever you want," he whispers.

I take his hand and we walk back to our car. We drive back to the house, and as soon as we step inside, Ryan's legs are wrapped around my waist and we're kissing again.

I'm feeling a new kind of affection for him. It's still love. Of course it's still love. But there was this kind of love I had for him when we were boyfriends, but now that we're fiancés, it feels... different.

A good different, for sure. But definitely different.

I carry Ryan upstairs to our bedroom. Our lips stay connected the entire time. Once we get into our room, I lay Ryan down on the bed and take off his shirt.

I give him butterfly kisses on his chest and stomach, and as I do so, he takes off my shirt.

I straddle him and our lips are again reunited. I lick his lower lip, and of course he lets me in.

I undo his belt as we make out. I take the belt out of the loops and start working on the button. Then I unzip his jeans and slide them off, along with his boxers.

He does the same with mine.

Now we're both just making out with no clothes on. Is it bad that I don't want to have sex with him? It just doesn't seem like something to do right after getting engaged. But hey- Ryan's my first boyfriend. I've had girlfriends before, but I didn't love them, ya know? I just liked them, but not nearly enough to do any of the things I do with Ryan.

We never speak of that girl I lost my virginity to when I was 13, okay? Can you keep my secret? Good.

I guess Ryan doesn't want to have sex, because he isn't moaning my name, beckoning me to fuck him.

His hips are grinding on mine, and it's such a fucking turn on. I could cum, but I don't.

Ryan's tongue retreats from my mouth, and his hips stop grinding. Our mouths are still connected, but we're not really kissing. I can feel Ryan's warm breath on the skin in between my nose and mouth. He puts his warm hands on my ass.

His hands are warm... except there's this little patch on one of his fingers that's cold and smoother than the rest of his hand.

Oh yeah, the engagement ring.

That's gonna take some getting used to. The hair tangling, especially. The hair tangling will become hair pulling.

I'm really not complaining, though. How can I? Hello, I'm marrying the love of my life!

Which reminds me, we haven't told anyone yet.

Oh yeah, that's because Ry and I have been too busy making out.

Again, not complaining.

Ryan disconnects our lips so he can speak. Our eyes flutter open at the same time.

"I really love you, Brendon," he whispers, his eyes darting from my lips to my eyes then back to my lips and then my eyes.

"I love you too," I reply.

His hands slide up to my neck. Well, one of them stops on my neck. The other gets tangled in my hair.

Ow. There we go- the hair pulling.

Ryan must feel me tense up, because in that exact moment, his hand comes out of my hair.

"You okay, babe?" He asks.

"Yeah, it's just... the ring kinda pulls my hair."

Ryan raises an eyebrow in confusion. "It shouldn't. There's nothing for you hair to get snagged on."

Ryan takes one of his hands off my neck so he can show me the ring.

I laugh. "Whoops."

He laughs, too.

I put my hands on his shoulders and slide them down to his hips, which I grab.

Ryan's hand goes back to my neck, and one of them slides down to the middle of my back.

I Love Him (A Ryden Fanfic) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now