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~Ryan's POV~

Alright, here's the deal- I love Brendon. I really do. But this? Maybe it's too much.

I want to spend the rest of my life with Brendon, but cmon, I'm 17! 17-year-old boyfriends don't live together- college boyfriends do.

Brendon and I get out of the car, and he starts walking toward the door of his house. He turns around when he realizes I'm not walking with him.

"Ry?" He asks, sounding concerned.

I half-smile. "I'm just getting some clothes from my house, babe. Don't worry."

I wasn't lying to him. I walk across the street to my house and unlock the door. Fortunately, my dad is nowhere to be seen.

I cautiously walk up the stairs, making sure my dad truly isn't home.

He isn't.

I grab some clothes from my dresser, along with my toothbrush, toothpaste, and my phone charger.

I lock the door behind me and walk over to Brendon's house. When I get up to his room, the door is mostly shut, so I stop and just look in through the crack.

Brendon is adjusting his glasses in the mirror on his dresser.

Wait- glasses? I didn't know he had glasses!

Okay, look- I have nothing against glasses. I just wonder why Brendon would hide it from me.

Quietly, I push Brendon's door open and ask, "Brendon?"

He briskly whips off his glasses and spins around. "R-Ryan!" His voice is a little shaky.

I walk over to the dresser and pick up the glasses. I put them on his face.

They're big, plastic, and dorky. Total hipster glasses.

I giggle. "You look insanely adorable." I can't help but kiss him.

Brendon smiles, relieved. He takes my hand and sits me down on the bed. He's still standing up, still holding my hands.

Suddenly, he pushes me over and gets on top of me.

We start to make out. I love the feeling of Brendon's big, soft lips on mine. I love how he pretends he knows what he's doing when he clearly doesn't- but it sure feels like he does.

Without separating my lips from Brendon's, I take off his glasses and put them on the bed next to us. I grab either side of the bottom of Brendon's shirt, and begin to pull it off. We only separate so I can get the shirt over Brendon's head, and then his lips are on mine again.

Brendon takes off my shirt and then slides his hands down to my hips. I grab one of his hands and press it even harder into the side of my body, while tangling my other hand in his hair.

We must look ridiculous- two teenage boys making out with their shirts off and who have no idea whatsoever what they're doing. 

Brendon's hand escapes from mine and he begins undoing my belt. I open my eyes while kissing him as if to say, "are you sure you're ready?"

He opens his eyes, closes them, and nods. I don't stop him from undoing my belt.

Brendon gets off of me only so he can help me take my pants off, and then he rolls onto his back.

I get on top of him and begin to undo his belt.


I get off of Brendon and lay on my back. Brendon puts the covers over us and starts rubbing my back.

"You okay, baby?" He asks.

I smile and nod. "I thought my first time was gonna be a lot more awkward."

Brendon nodded. "That was my first time too, you know." He blushes a little bit.

I lean in and kiss him. Hard. "You know, I couldn't imagine my life without you." I say dreamily.

Brendon nods. His voice is quiet and sexy. "I don't want to imagine a life with you."

Then everything goes black and I'm asleep.

A/N~ Sorry that wasn't detailed. It's just that my friends follow me, and if they read it, I'd never hear the end of it 😂

Also, tomorrow (August 4th) through August 11th, I'll be in Alaska with no wifi, so there will be no updates until I get wifi again.

Glad you guys like my story though!!

I Love Him (A Ryden Fanfic) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now