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~Brendon's POV~

It's only April 2nd, but prom's coming up on May 17th. And I have to do some big romantic gesture to ask Ryan.

I sit up in bed on Monday morning, but Ryan's not next to me. For a second, it scares me. But then I remember that my parents are back from their business trip, and Ryan had to move into the guest room.

I take my phone off of my bedside table and text my bae.

Brendon: Morning kisses for my lil Ryro 😘😘

He texts back almost immediately.

Ryan: You woke me up 🙄

I smile because I know he isn't actually mad.

Brendon: But I have cheese whiz

I hear Ryan laugh from the other room.  I don't give him a chance to text back, because before he knows it, I'm laying on top of him and kissing him.

"I guess the morning kisses were real?" He asks, still half-asleep after we separate.

I laugh and walk back to my room. "Get dressed!" I call through the wall. We can't be too romantic, because though my parents are okay with us being boyfriends, they don't want to see us being... sexual.

About 3 minutes later, Ryan and I walk out of our separate rooms, fully-clothed.

"Breakfast?" Ryan asks half-heartedly.

I scrunch up my nose. "Naw."

We both laugh.

"Babe, I have to leave right now." I say. Whoops. Called him babe. I take a quick glance around, making sure my parents didn't hear.

Ryan has a puzzled look on his face. "Why? We don't have to go for another 10 minutes."

I give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I have to give some kid a tour." I roll my eyes, trying to show that I don't want to do it.

Ryan nods. "I'll be okay to walk." He smiles.

I kiss him quickly on the lips. He really is the best.

I get in my car, and I see that my face is pink. God, I hate lying to Ryan. Ihateitihateitihateitihateit.


Once I get to school, I begin putting sticky notes all over lockers, and on the floor. On the sticky notes are a bunch of memories of me and Ryan, and they make a path to me. I'll be standing in a classroom, holding a sign that says and many more if you go to prom with me. And then I'll ask Ryan to prom.

It's cheesy, I know, but he'll love it. Ever since we came out, we've gotten harassed less, somehow. I guess people admire us for having the balls to admit that we're gay.

I look at my phone. 7:55. Ryan should be here.

I peek out the door and down the hall. There's Ryan, reading the sticky notes and picking them up as he goes. My heart starts to beat faster.

Ryan picks up the last sticky note, which is just inches from my foot, and freezes for a second. He stands up really slowly, and steps back a little bit to read the sign I'm holding.

His jaw drops and I put the sign on a desk behind me. I take a step closer to him.

"Ryro... my Ryro... will you go to prom with me?"

He looks so happy he could cry. Before I know it, he's arms are wrapped around my neck and his tongue is in my mouth.

I wrap my arms around his waist and walk him over to a closet in one of the corners of the classroom. Once we're inside, I push him against a wall and tap his thighs, indicating that he should jump.

He jumps up and wraps his legs around my waist. I wrap my arms back around his waist, and keep kissing him.

But it's not enough. I want more. Just then, the first period bell rings.

Ryan and I detangle ourselves, and hurry to our first class- English.

I can't stop blushing every time he looks at me in class. It takes me back to the first day we ever met. We've come so far, oh my god.

English is super boring, so I decide to text Ryan under the table.

Brendon: English sucks, babe.
Brendon: Idk if u noticed or not.

I hear Ryan laugh. Shit. What if he gets in trouble? Luckily, he doesn't.

Ryan: No, Beebo, I didn't notice. I thought it was the most interesting class in the whole world.

I try so hard not to laugh.

Ryan: So, about this morning...
Brendon: Oh god, I'm so sorry. I can't control myself. I'm so sorry babe.
Ryan: No, no, u were fine. But it got so sexual so fast...

I squeeze my eyes shut tight. What's he gonna say?!

Brendon: I know, not at school. Ry I suck I'm the worst I'm sorry.
Ryan: lol no ur the best, B. All I'm saying is, I miss having sex with u.

Thank God.

Brendon: me too.
Ryan: when's ur parents' date night?
Brendon: Friday.
Ryan: ;)

I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

Brendon: Wtf Ryan, this isn't 2005.
Ryan: It's not?!

I look over at him. He smiles at me and winks.

Brendon: Omg stop flirting with me!
Ryan: Omg stop making out with me in closets!
Brendon: Touché

I sneak a look at Ryan. He's smiling and typing on his phone.

Ryan: Omg Beebo stop being such a fucking dork all the time!
Brendon: Love u babe
Ryan: Love u more ;)
Brendon: I love u more... FIGHT ME!
Ryan: LOL
Brendon: No literally fight me I love u more.

Ryan and I look at each other and smile. I wonder if he's feeling it, too- the electricity I know we both felt when we first met.

Only stronger.

I Love Him (A Ryden Fanfic) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now