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~Brendon's POV~

Once Ryan and I get the school, we drop hands. Having some space between me and Ryan feels somewhat wrong, but I'll do whatever it takes to protect him.

That's literally the only thing preventing me from pulling him into the janitor's closet and totally making out with him.

Ryan and I don't really talk while we're walking to our lockers. Finally, we get to the end of the hallway where our lockers, and suddenly-


Some dickhead shoved me into my locker. The back of my head hurts from me hitting it on the handle. I look up to see who it is.

Spencer and Dallon. I should've known.

I open my mouth to say something, but instead I hear Ryan's voice.

He slams his locker shut. "Hey, bitch, what's your damage?" He cries, stepping defensively in front of me.

I don't want Ryan to get hurt, so I quickly stand up and say, "I've got this."

But Ryan doesn't step out of the way.

Spencer and Dallon look at each other, and Dallon says, "aw, look, one faggot sticking up for another." He kicks Ryan in the stomach, pushing him into a locker.

I sneak a quick glance at Ryan, and all I see is so blood dripping down the side of his head. I want to scream and cry. I run at Dallon and grab his shirt collar. Then I ram him into a locker across the hallway.

Through gritted teeth I say in a dangerously quiet voice, "you listen here, douchepants. Don't call me and Ryan faggots. Only an idiot would use that would as an insult. And you, my friend, are an idiot."

All of a sudden everything goes black.


I wake up in a hospital. Ryan's in a chair next to my bed with a bandage around his head.

I sit up and hug him. "My poor baby," I whisper. My voice is raspy because I'm trying to hold back tears. But then I realize that Ryan's dampening my shirt with his own tears, and I start to cry.

"Are you okay?" He asks, sobbing.

I tighten my grip on him. "Only if you are."

Ryan lets go and looks at me. "I'm fine. But do you feel okay?"

I stare at him blankly.

"You broke your nose, babe. Spencer punched you or something, but I don't really remember." 

My hand shoots up to feel my nose. It hurts. I imagine it's purple. It also feels swollen.

There's a moment of silence before Ryan breaks it by asking, "your parents are still on that business trip?"

I nod. "Until next month."

I see Ryan nod.

"What about your parents? Why aren't they here?"

Ryan takes a deep breath and turns away. I rub his back. "Babe, I'm sorry if I overstepped..."

Ryan shakes his head. "No, Beebo, of course not. My dad's an alcoholic and is never home. And my mother's, well, dead."

I rub his back some more.

Just then, a nurse comes in. "Mr. Urie," she says. I nod.

"I have good news! You can go home now. But there's one thing... you shouldn't drive."

I have no problem with this, but Ryan asks, "why not?"

The nurse smiles a definite fake smile. "Because he was just injured, and it's not a good idea."

"What about Ryan?" I ask, concerned.

"What?" The nurse asks.

"When can he take the bandage off?"

The nurse walks over to Ryan and peel the bandage off. "Now. It was a small injury. Have a nice day, kids."

Have a nice day. I thought. There's just one way to do that-- invite Ryan over.


Ryan drives us to my house. "So, is this a thing now?" He asks.

I'm confused. "What?"

"Like do we live together?" We're still sitting in the car as he asks this.

"Well, until my parents come home." I see Ryan smile, which makes me smile.

Ryan opens the door to get out of the car, but I grab his wrist.


Ryan looks at me questioningly.

"I love you."

Ryan gives me a quick kiss. "I love you too."

I Love Him (A Ryden Fanfic) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now