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Ashlie's p.o.v.
HOLY FUCK DID PHIL FUCKING LESTER JUST KISS ME! Now I'm not going to be able to pay attention to the movie. I try my hardest but fail... Miserably. After the credits started to roll the lights came back on. I had to squint to see anything. Phil? "Yea?" Why, why me... "What do you mean?" I mean... You could have anyone of your choosing... But you chose me? Why? " Because... Your beautiful!" He said it with a smile that just melted my already heavily paced heart. I throw my arms over his shoulders and hug him tightly.
Phil's p.o.v.
When Ashlie asked me why I chose her I could tell that she didn't think that highly of herself. I just felt my heart drop to my feet. I hate it when people put themselves down even though I do it to myself. Then she was just there hugging me. I had to hug her back and that's when I felt the feeling I was looking for. I felt attracted to her. Okay. I'm not gay. But, I may still be bi. Uhg I hate this! Why do I have to be so stupid. See there I go putting myself down! I give up. Hey wanna go back to your place.
A/N this is not what you think you nasties.
Dan's p.o.v.
I've been pacing the apartment for two hours now. I need to do something to keep from going crazy. I go to my cabinet and get out a bottle of Ribeena, my go to choice of alcohol. I pop the top and down the whole thing in no time at all. Before I know it I'm smashed. I try to get to my bed but end up falling all over the place. Fuck it, I'll just lay here on the floor. I end up passed out for God knows how long before I hear the door click open. "Dan?" I mumble to let the voice know I'm alive. "Christ! Are you drunk?" I nod ashamedly. "Here let me help you to your bed." Then I feel as if I'm being lifted off the ground, which I'm just going to assume I am. A little while of him struggling with my weight I'm dropped onto my bed. Phil? "Hm?" I... Lo... I get out before I pass out again.

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