-()-You'll Be The Death Of Me

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Dan's p.o.v.
My eyes widened as he said that. "Who caused this?" Now I was just sat in my bed with the blade balanced on my finger tips. Phil had given up on trying to get me to open up about two hours ago. Maybe I could tell him? Maybe he'll understand? Who am I kidding... No one wants something that's broken. I'm just damaged goods. But maybe he can fix me. Do I want to be fixed.
Phil's p.o.v.
It's been 4 hours since he went in his room. I tried to talk to him for two hours but he wouldn't open up. I'm getting worried now because he hasn't made a sound. I stay silent so that I can hear him if he moves. Sure enough I can hear his bed squeaking a little as he gets up. His feet make a small pitter patter as he walks to his door. I get up and open my door. Dan? I go over to his door and knock. Baby open up... It's been 4 hours. I hear the lock on his door click and then the door cracks a little. His face is blotchy, red, and puffy. I can tell that he's been crying. "Phil? I have something I need to tell you." He pulls me into his room and sits me down in his bed.
Dan's p.o.v.
"Phil...." I take a deep breath in preparation "I just thought you should know that I'm broken. I am just damaged goods that everyone throws out when they're done with me." He looks at me with these tender loving eyes. Maybe he can fix me. "What do you mean, damaged?" "I mean... I mean that I was..." I can't seem to say the words but I think he knows what I mean because as soon as I stopped talking he grew a dark shade of red. "Who did it Dan. I'm gonna kill that bastard. They had no right to touch you." "Phil... I was a child when it happened. And their dead now anyways. They got into a car accident on their way home... After." "They deserved it! They fucking deserved it! How could they hurt you, my baby, my princess." Again with the princess. Couldn't he see how that effected me. I looked at him and could tell that he was confused. "Baby? What's wrong? You just went white. Like you had seen a ghost or something." The end of his sentence trailed off as realization crossed his face. "It's the nickname isn't it?" All I do is nod.
Phil's p.o.v.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I wanted to hug Dan, but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. "Dan... Can I hug you?" "Of course... Why wouldn't I let you?" He walked into my arms and sat in my lap. "I just thought that maybe you would be uncomfortable." "No babe, I'm fine." We just stayed like that for hours. Cuddling. This was the calmest I've seen Dan, ever.

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