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"You lying bitch, you've been sleeping with my best friend!" dad shouts from across the living room, "Well he's better than you, makes me happy Ronald!" mum yells back. I'm Maisey, mousey brown hair, brown eyes and also eleven years old. I live here with my dad and sometimes my mum when she wants to be here. Also I have a twin brother, Stephen and two sisters, Scarlett whose five and Layla whose one. They both have blonde hair and blue eyes, like dad.

Smash, I look on as my mum throws a cup of tea at my dad and he dodges it. "Why don't you just leave" his voice hard and cold he doesn't mean that does he? I gasp and they both look round at me. My dad is red with anger and his face softens when he sees me. My mum on the other hand looks disgusted at him and storms off upstairs.

"Come here princess" he holds his strong hands out and i slowly walk into his arms, he smells of Old Spice and home. "Dad is mum gonna leave?" my voice trembling and scared. He sighs hard and slumps on the sofa, his big blue eyes show love and care. "Look your mum is never here Mace, she doesn't really spend time with you all and so i think it's best if she goes".

His voice isn't harsh, it's small and hurt, i know he's hurt. I nod and hug him. Her footsteps echo on the wooden floor as her red high heels click against it. They sound cold and inpatient. Dad slowly rises and squeeses my hand, I rise with him and we walk hand in hand to the front door. It's open and her stuff is piling up the boot.

Behind me Scarlett and Stephen sit on the stairs, tears in Scarletts eyes. Layla's upstair sleeping soundly. "Mummy, where are you going?" Scarlett's voice is innocent and hurt. I smile back at her to make sure everything's ok. Stephen nods at me and i nod back, we understand each other. Scarlett starts to weep into Stephen's t - shirt and he cradles her.

After she has finished packing the car, she turns to us. Her bright red lips smile at us as Scarlett runs into her arms. I growl and pull her back. She looks at me and bends down to her level, "Scarlett you can come and see me anytime you want, but i have to go be good for your dad" her voice is full of fake concern.

Stephen picks up Scarlett and walks upstairs with her. Scarlett sobbing again into Stephen's t - shirt. Next she turns to me and smiles. I walk closer to her and let go of dad's warm, safe hand. "You've done nothing but upset her mum, you couldn't just be a normal mum like all my friends in school could you? I hate you!" i shout and take a step backwards.

Her face is nothing but normal, she shrugs and walks towards her car. She doesn't turn back, her brown hair bobbing as she gets into the car and drives off, not even giving us a second glance, I knew she wouldn't. I run after the car and scream at it.... "I HATE YOU"...

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