Chapter 13

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He opened the door for me to his silver range rover and i slowly got in and he slammed the door. All i could do was keep my head bowed, thinking on how my life was over, the police were going to get me, i'm never gonna be able to see my sisters anad brothers again. "Everything is going to be ok" Mr Reids voice soothed me from his side.

"Why you being so nice, you know everything i have done and yet here you are?" my voice shaky but full of question. He smiled and nodded before the front door to my house opened. I felt him squeeze my hand and i draw a breath before slowly walking into the horror of which was my living room. I could see two olice officers oth dressed in a navy blue and looking at me.

"Is there something wrong?" i tried to ask as loud as i could but instead it came out as a whisper. A tall blonde officer slowly walked towards me, he glanced at Mr. Reids. "Miss Jones?" I nod once more before he gently pulls my arm for me to follow him.

Once in the kitchen i sit down and he stands directly in front of me. "Miss Jones there's been an incident with a Melissa Daniels, a report we have here says you ataacked her this lunch time is this true?" his voice stern and deep. I stop shaking and ask him to repeat the question. After he's finished i let out a huge breath that i had been holding.

I stand up and pace back and forth in front of him before going to make a coffee. "Yeah that's true, but she had it coming, she was having sex with my boyfriend on my sofa in that living room when my sick little sister is upstairs sleeping". My voice was calm but full of hate. He nodded and wrote it down in a little brown leather pad.

"Ok Miss Jones she wants to press charges so you will have to attend court on Monday and then we will see what happens from there" he nods as he pulls out a piece of paper from his brown police jacket. "Ok thank you officer, what would happen though? I have a baby and two little girls to look after i can't go to prison".

He smiles and shakes my hand ferm, "I'm sure you will get a slap on the wrist, nothing more, we must go, stuff to do very buzy hmm" and with that he was gone and the front door slammed shut. "Who the hell are you?" i hear James's angry voice coming from the living room, i walk quickly back into their view.

Mr. Reids just stands there smiling and James is standing in front of him, Mr Rieds's tall frame twoering over him but not by much. "What are you doing here James?" my voice dripping of hate and spitting at him, he walks over to me and grabs my hand. His icy blue eyes pleading with mine. I push him away, stand strong and spit "Get your things and go to her, do what you want but you don't belong here anymore".

He staggers back and regains his balance, "Macey it was all her, not me, i love you not her, we need each other" his voice breaking and his sobs breaking out. My heart feels like it's bleeding and like i have been stabbed in the stomach. I look towards Mr Rieds and then to the wodden floor. "NO James you need me, i hate you get out now!" sobs breaking through my barriors as i run upstairs and sit on the top stair.

"You touch her and i'll kill you" i hear James threaten my boss as he slams the door. His footsteps fade and Mr Reids get closer, his warm body holding mine as i cry for James. The pain in my chest is suffocating me and it's getting harder to breathe. I know James will be home, i'm going to sleep in the spare bedrroma and he can have our room.

I pour a glass of red wine and down it in one then go for another. I sit slowly down on the couch and rest on Mr Reids arm, "I'm sorry i have dragged you into my life, you don;t have to stay, in fact i want to be alone, the school us will be here soon to drop off Scarlett and she will want dinner and everything has to be normal.

He nods and leaves without saying a word. I look at the clock and sob a little more, it's not even three yet and i'm alone. I go and check on Layla and bring her up some soup and then go and change and play with Carter until Scarlettt runs through the house. I smile and fight back the tears, i never thought what would happen if me and James would break up like this.

Will he go to the police and say what we did? NNo he wouldn't be that stupid because he did it as well and then we will both be in jail, no so maybe he can stay here in the day and when i come home from work he can go to work, maybe we won't see each other that often. It will have to do for now. Taking  my mind off of James and Melissa, me and Scarlett make pizza and slouch on the sofa eating.

"Where's James?" Scarlett's small voice asks. I move slightly but know i can't ignore her, she's way to smart and will figure something's wrong. "He's gone to work babes, oh by the way just want to ask who babysits for Carter and sometimes you when me and James isn't here?" My voice steady adn normal when i say his name.

"It's Melissa from next door, she takes us round hers and we get to go on her horses and we go shopping an dto the park and everything it's s fun over hers" her face lights up as she speaks and i feel another stab of pain in my chest. "That's good Scarl, hey why don't you go have a shower and go to bed, you can watch TV for an hour if you like" i smile.

"OK goodnight May, thanks for the pizza" and with that she was skipping up the stairs singing all the way. I sit there looking at the TV but not watching it. I had no idea on how long i sat there like that for on auto mode but James was soon sitting down beside me. "Macey?" his smooth voice brings me back to life.

HIs body sits close to mine and i move back a little. James i have been thinking a lot and this is what i want for us to do" my voice small but stern. HIs big hand gently brushes mine and i shiver, he knows how to get me. "James i'm serious" i moan again and he smirks. "Yeah i know you are Macey" his voice small and hurt.

I look into his blue eyes as he stares back at my brown ones, "When i'm at work you and only you look after the kids, then when i come home you go to work and go to sleep with IT next door oh and you can have our bed just for you i'm going to sleep in the spare room". My voice breaking i suddenly get up and walk upstairs.

I jump into the hot shower and sob against the wall thinking about all the memories we have share and how he can do this to me, to us all. I go back to auto mode washing before getting out and walking into the spare room. The white walls scare me into the double bed, all lonely and cold, sobbing until i fall asleep.

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