Chapter 11

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I fill up Titan's water bowl and grab a glass to pour some orange juice into, the door opens and in come run Layla, her blonde hair swaying behind her. "Hi" she smiles and i smile back, i look over her to see if i can see Scarlett. "Where's Scarlett?" i ask not taking my eyes off of the kitchen door, "Oh she's outside with some of her friends" Layla cheers happily.

I put the glass down on the black kitchen counter and quickly walked to the front door. It's already open, Layla didn't shut it so i can hear and see Scarlett chatting and laughing with a group of girls and some boys. One of the girls sees me and points my way, i walk outside to meet them all. "Hi Scarlett" i smile and touch her shoulder.

She glances up and smiles before introducing everyone to me, "Hi May, this is Amber, Jessie, Gracie, Ryan and Cory" her voice high and happy, i wave and say hi. "Do they want dinner?" i ask Scarlett, she shakes her head and soon they all leave. Me and Scarlett walk up the path and into the house. I shut the door and she walks upstairs.

I follow her and wait outside the door for her to get changed, "So what activity did you do?" i ask through the door, there's a moment before she repies, "I done dance with Amber today and tomorrow i'll be doing cooking with Gracie" her door suddenly opened and she came out in a pair or joggers and a plain red t - shirt.

She smiled her childlike smile and i returned it. I began to make dinner for us all and put a plate in the microwave for James for when he comes in from work. I wonder if i will have to do a late shift one night, i'll have to get this babysitter's number. I put the plates on the table and shouted for the girls "Girls tea's ready". We talked about the day and how everything went and i was interested to hear about some of the classes they were in.

After they had finished, they ran upstairs laughing and full of life. Thoughts popped in and out of my head some about work, some about life back home and some about this life, our new life. The slience and my thoughts were soon broken by Carter screaming for milk and to be changed. "Ok i'm coming Carter" i huffed and slowly made my way into the living room where he's lying on his back in his moses basket.

He sucked on his bottom lip when he seen me smiling down at him before picking him up. He's getting bigger and heavier now and his hair is getting to quite a length now so that will have to be cut. I glanced up at the clock, James should be on his way home and so i just got on with things and waited for him to come in so me and him can have a nice quiet night in.

I waited, i put the kids to bed, i waited some more, i Skyped Stephen, i waited. "Where are you James?" i whispered as i again for the hundreth time looked at the clock. I slowly got up and slowly walked up the stairs to bed, opefully James will be here soon.


I felt the di in the bed, James is home. I rubbed my eyes and yawned and glanced at the clock twice before getting the time. I sat up and turned to James's tall shadow. "Where have you been?" i didn't mean to sound cold but it came ot that way. "Working baby" he mummered before i heard him snore which meant he was out until morning. I grumpled and turned back over not facing him and went to sleep.

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