Chapter 7

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I woke up with the dull light coming from the bedside lamp burning my eyes, looking around I am in the bedroom of our new house, the new house James has bought and moved us into. A fleece blanket is draped over me and the sweat beads slide down my face, gosh it's hot in here. I slowly rise and stretch, where's the girls, Carter, Titan, James? I shoot down the large tiled stairs and knock over a vase that's sitting on a small pine wooden table at the bottom of the stairs.

"Scarlett? Layla!" I shout and spin in a circle in the white, cold, tiled lobby. Suddenly a door from the right opens and out runs James, his brown hair messed up and Titan by his side. "Hey what's with all the shouting?" James's velvet voice seeps into my ears and haunts me with pictures of him laughing and siding with our estate agent, Melissa.

I step back and stroke Titan's long fur, "Where's the girls and Carter?" I snap and he's taken back by this, he looks at me worried and uneasy. I wait patiently but he still doesn't answer and so i say it again, "Where's the girls and Carter?" a little more coldly than I wanted. He looks a little angry and then replies, "Out the garden playing with Star" his voice tiny and inncoent. Wow hold on, Star?

"Whose Star?" i ask feeling a little bit of relief, he huckles and moves closer to me, "He's a horse, Melissa's horse, cute little one, the girls love him" his smile is warm and my heart cracks a little. I smile a little and walk towards the garden. When i reach the top of the garden, i see the girls and Melissa with her horse.

Layla spots me first and runs over to me, her big smile spread across her face, like her face will crack if it get's any wider. "Macey, look Melissa has a horse, she says we can ride him any time, can we Macey, please?" she begs in her childlike voice. Anger boils inside me, now she is using my sisters to get to James, well it's not happening. "No, now go inside, bath time" i order.

Glancing down Layla's smile fades quickly and Scarlett moves away from the brown horse. "But..." Scarlett starts to say but i hold my hand up to her and she growls at me, stomping pass me she yells, "You never let us do anything fun!" and runs into the house, Layla following after her. I strut over to Mellisa who is holding her horse in her garden and spit, "Leave me and my family alone".

I turn and walk back into the house slamming the door, Carter starts to cry and i follow the crying to find him. I find him in a crib in the living room, James is in the kitchen making dinner, i can smell pasta adn so i pick him up and cradle him in my arms. His warm body snuggles into mine and i kiss his head.

Footprints tapped behind me, i closed my eyes and took a deep breath arguing is not the top of my list for tonight. Carter wiggled in my arms, i held onto him safely, not wanting to have no distraction for when me and James have a conversation. Warm, soft, large hands place themselves softly on my shoulders, smal, soft kisses trail my neck and suddenly bile rises in my throat, no i have to get it out and now.

I spin around and hold Carter in my arms while glaring at James with hurt and anger in my system. "I don't want the girls ging near her, if you want to shag her go a head but leave me no, go if you want her" i spit and storm into the living room. James's heavy foot steps behind me, start to sound haunting, i place Carter in his moses basket and slump on the sofa, looking down at my feet not daring to look at him.

He paces in front of me and huffs, "You think i want her, why would you think that?" he stutters through gitted teeth, i shoot my head up, my hair falling over my face at the same time, "I see how close you two are, how she looks at you, the way you are so close with her, i know what it will lead too" i spit and jump out of my seat to walk over to him.

He sighs and grabs my arms, "You're paranoid Macey, ok so i know her, what's the problem, there's no one else i want to be with" he whispers the last part while his brown eyes pour into mine. I sigh and a small smile and nod slowly. "I'm sorry, i just thought..." i whisper into his chest but get cut off, "I know what you were thinking but it's not happening" he states and runs his hand down my back.

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