Chapter 2.

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"Layla bath's ready" I call from the bathroom window, she's in the middle of playing fetch with Titan, his big fluffy tail wagging and his sloppy tongue hanging from his wet mouth. "Coming" she shouts and starts her way into the house. The plain blue bathroom is full of steam and the heat overpowers me. Small footsteps are slowly moving into the room and I make my way out.

"Leave the door a jar Lay" I call as I make my way down the brown hallway to Scarlett and Layla's bedroom, yes they have to share a bedroom because this is a three bedroom house, dad and Rachel have the big room, Stephen and Carter have a room which I now sleep in since Stephen isn't here no more and then the girls have their room.

It's a white small room with pictures of Barbie and Bratz on the walls. Scarlett and Layla have a bunk bed. Layla sleeps at the bottom as she's the youngest and Scarlett takes top. I switch on the dim light and step onto Layla's bed to see Scarlett.

Her face is red with anger, or it could be fear. Her eyes are blotchy from where she has been sobbing and her pillow is soaked from all her tears. The pain aches from seeing her like this, she thinks I'm going to leave like mum did. I knew she still remembers. "Scarl, I'm not going anywhere" I softly sooth her, she backs away to the wall and wipes her tears.

"What was Stephen on about then?" her voice croaky and harsh, I walk to the ladder and slowly climb up, hiding my head on the hard, white celling. "Ow" I spit and slump down on Scarlett's pink duvet. Her small giggle brightens the mood and I lean up on my elbows. Her face is still red but her small smile tells me that she's happy.

"Yes I was thinking about leaving here and moving somewhere else..." I'm cut off with her cold words, "Just like mum". I sigh and nod my head, "Not quite like mum but all the same yes me and James were planning on leaving. But and it's a big but, we can't leave you can we?" I explain the best I can without breaking down.

"Where was you going to go?" her voice soft and childlike, I close her hand in mine and rub her small knuckles gently. "America", she gasps and her blue eyes shine bright, "Really? Wow. How much money do you have? It costs loads to get there". I chuckle, she knows so much. I nod, "I have enough Scarl, I've been saving since I first got my paper round when I was fourteen".

She nods and pulls me into a hug. I sigh and kiss her soft blonde hair before we make our way down to the bathroom. Layla is just getting dry and the room is airing out a little more. Layla smiles and hugs me. "Come on, I'll dry your hair" I smile and grab Layla's hand. On the way out of the small blue bathroom, Scarlett smiles and I smile back.

I look at Layla's blonde hair blowing from the force of the hairdryer and smile, these girls are like my own children, I'm not like my mother who just walks out on them and leaves them to defend for themselves. No I'm not just going to abandon them, I can't abandon them like she did. I know Scarlett will take over but she doesn't know how to look after Carter and seeing Rachel fuck random guys on the living room floor isn't what a child should look at.

I tuck Layla in bed and kiss Scarlett's small pink hand before turning on the lamp and walking out their bedroom. I sigh, they need me and I know I need them, the plan's off, time to tell James. I slowly tip toe downstairs, making sure I don't wake Carter or the girls. Titan sits by the sofa waiting for me to enter the room.

I'm tired and fed up of living here and being like this. I glance at the clock, 23:45, James should be home from working in the bar soon. I don't like him working in that bar, it's horrid, all the flirting he has to do to get people to buy drinks. I moan and move into the small, dingy kitchen. I just look at Titan and soon I'm in tears.

I don't know where they come from, is it because I can't leave them behind? Is it because we will all be stuck in this shitty town forever? Titan licks my face and I hold him tight. I feel my belly grumble and slowly slide myself up to the black kitchen surfaces. I start to fix me and James some supper, I know he won't have eaten.

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