Chapter 5.

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By the time we get to airport, the kids were asleep and me and James have become more anxious to get out of here. We thought by now, we would have police looking for us and being the police they would stop us getting out the country. "Oh I never thought, James we're going to have to change our names" I whisper in fear. He chuckles and smoothly parks the car.

I turn to him and study his sexy face in the light of the airport, "What's so funny?" I ask and pout by crossing my arms over my body. He rubs my knee and smiles, "I did think of that, we won't have to change our names if you tell your dad that you have taken the kids on holiday" he explains. I glance up, his smile gone and now is replaced with a serious line.

I shake my head, "James we're not coming back I can't come back here with them" I point into the back seats where the girls are balled up on opposite sides and Carter sleeps peacefully in his car seat. He nods, "I know and that's what you're dad is going to think, he's going to think that we're coming back, but we won't". His face is full of concern for all of us and his hand squashes my knee to reassure me everything is going to be ok.

"Yes but when he finds out that we haven't come back, he will call the police and we will have to run again, next time we don't have my birth mother to give us the money". I feel a tear roll down over my pale cheek and he sighs, "Macey this our dream, our life, new beginning and we knew from the very start that when the time comes, we will run again".

 I move uncomfortable in my seat because as I think of it, I knew that this is true. "We can't run for the rest of our lives, the little ones can't anyway" I sigh and turn to look at them. "But that's the point, when they're old enough, they can go their own way, we have our chance to run and maybe we can change everything, their lives and ours".

His voice is serious and brings me hope. I look from the little ones, my brother and sisters, to James, the love of my life and he will do anything for me and then to the airport, our escape. I lean my heavy head against the head rest of the jeep and sigh, thinking about our lives. Seven years ago, my mother abandoned us, left me in charge because otherwise we wouldn't be alive today.

James and I have such big relationship that he is willing to run away with me and my family and has the chance of going back into prison. My dad is going to be torn apart when he finds out what we have done and Rachel, what about Rachel? I've kidnapped her child, her only child and now we are all on the run and if we get caught, me and James are going to prison and the kids get returned here.

"James it's a bit risky, if we get caught, we're going to be in prison and they will just be brought back here and be back at square one and we will have a record". He laughs and nods, "Babes it doesn't matter about me, but you, you can keep running, even if they catch me, I won't let them get to you". His voice full of promise and his face, a small ghost of a smile plays on his lips.

I nod and smile, but then pause, "James if we get caught, what's going to happen to them?" I ask and again point to the back seats. He opens the car door and slowly climbs out, "Granddad". One word, one word that makes me feel anger, love, hate and relief. He's told his granddad the plan, his granddad knew about this all along.

Stepping out of the jeep, I make my way towards the back of the black jeep to get out the cases and glance at James's smile. He's enjoying this, "You told you're granddad about what we're doing and didn't tell me?" I spit and lug my suitcase out the boot. He shrugs as he grabs Carter's bag. "I didn't tell you because it's an emergency call, if we need to get away, he'll give us his retirement money and even come and collect the kids from a drop off point".

His explanation seems perfect to me, "You really know your shit" I smile and put the girls suitcases to the floor. "Baby it's called jail and a lot of thinking time" he answers before kissing me on the cheek and waking the girls. They whine and move slowly to their cases. II glance at James, he points to the phone box, I know he means for me to call my dad, but it's late and we'll it seems funny to ask him at this hour.

I nod and walk over to the phone box, I have a mobile but I switched it off and put it in my suitcase just in case Rachel has called the police and they start tracking me. I dial the number and smile as he picks up, "Hello" his deep, sleepy voice rings through my ears leaving me frozen for a moment. He asks who it is and it flicks me back into reality.

"Hi dad it's Macey" I say with a wry voice. "May, you ok daring?" his voice concerning and heart-breaking, "Yeah we're all fine, I just wanted to ask you a question" I explain, my hands shaking, I hold my breath and he waits for me to ask, here goes. "Dad I've been saving all my money and I was just wondering if I can take the girls and Carter on holiday with James, he's saved money too?" I ask and explain.

There's a pause for a long silent moment on the other end of the phone and he huffs, "Jesus Macey, you call me at this time of night to ask me that. But yes ok when I get home and then we will all go on holiday". His voice stern and serious, my hands start to shake more. "No dad, I want to take them on holiday tonight, if that's ok?" i ask and kind of demand.

"Look Macey, you can go with James on your own, I know you and Rachel don't get along, then when I get home, me and her will take the children" his voice becoming angry and his sentences becoming shorter, I sigh down the phone and wish him good night before hanging up. Walking with my head down, I meet James in the waiting area.

James pulled his bag down and let me sit next to him, the girls were asleep again and Carter was stirring. "Where's Titan?" I ask and look around for him. "In a cage boarding the plane to San Diego" he smiles. I smile and feel my insides to turn tables. "James my dad said we can go but he said I have to leave the kids" I whisper.

He pulls me into a hug and hushes me, "Don't worry we'll tell him when we get there" he says and soon we here our plane call and we're all walking slowly to the plane. Once on the plane, we all strap ourselves in, we have been on a plane once before when we went to Germany for dad's business but other than that this is the only time we've been on our own.

James is sitting by the window, I'm next to him, Carter next to me and the girls are in the row next to us, sleeping. It only cost us £1541 to get from London Heathrow airport to San Diego. I glance down at Carter asleep and warm in his car seat. James's warm hand folds over my small cold one and he kisses it. "In fourteen hours and twenty minutes, we'll be in San Diego and this will all be over".

I nod and kiss his hand back before cuddling into him and falling asleep. When I awake, the plane has little noise, it's still dark outside and Carter's in James's lap. I smile and he smiles back. "What time is it??" I ask sleepy, he chuckles and pretends to eat Carter's little hand and whispers, "About three in the morning, he got hungry and restless".

I nod and smile at the sight of my love of my life holding the baby. My head floods with thoughts of what's happening. I log into Facebook on James's phone and frown at the message my dad has sent me. "Macey, Rachel called, you have taken the kids when I told you not too, fine you have your holiday but when you get back I want you to leave the house, that's right I'm kicking you out".

I sigh and show James the message. "Well you knew he was going to be mad right?" he asks and passes the phone back to me. I nod and get ready to type back a reply. "I just thought he wouldn't mind" I sigh and get typing. "Dad I told you I was going and I knew she would call you first, don't see your problem, we've only gone to America for a couple of weeks, you're never home and when you're gone Rachel don't bother with us, I can't just leave them to feed themselves, gosh do you see how we live, no so I took them".

I moan and sit back in my seat. "James what do you mean, when the time comes? What we going to do?" I ask and he looks at me, "We'll tell your dad that we all want to stay and ask him for permission, we'll get the girls to show him the good that America has done to them and then he gets to make the decision. Whichever one that might be".

His voice is soft and serious I nod and soon I slowly fall back asleep, dreaming of our life in America, can this really work?

Hi people, me again just wondering if you like the story, comment and vote and give me some feedback xxx

Abbie xx

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