Chapter 12

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I've just got into work, timing is a little wrong though as i'm half an hour late, hope the boss doesn't mind. Speaking of which his tall, sexy frame is striding towards me, i quickly pull down my dress and make sure i look ok before looking up into his bright blue eyes. "Good morning Macey Jones" his voice stern but pulling me in at the same time.

"Good morning Mr Rieds, sorry i'm late. Layla the youngest has gott he flu and so it took most of my time to get her and the others sorted, it won't happen again". I blinked twice and looked down at my lack heels before glancing back up to him. He was nodding and looking around. "Well what you have missed this morning, you will stay behind tonight and catch up".

I nodded and smiled, that's not that bad, half an hour late for an extra half an hour at the end of the day, seems fair. He motioned for me to follow him and ogether we walked into his office which is our office, kind of. I couldn't help but look at his arse all the way there and then i was fantasing about him being naked in front of me.

What was i doing me and James are happy together, he would never do this to me, so i won't to him. "Can you start by setting the prep for tomorrow's meeting, you will also have to come to that" i smiled and made a start. I sat down at my desk and started to get all the paperwork together. I was half way through before he spoke to me again.

"Is your sister ok?" I looked in his direction to check if he was talking to me, he smiled and nodded his head and i smiled back feeling myself blush a lot. "Yeah thanks, just got the flu, she was ok yesterday but this morning she was burning up and coughing, oh she looked like death, i really didn't want to leave her".

He nodded some more and looked at the computer and the photograph on his desk. "I know how you feel i hate seeing Meghan like that, kills me inside" i nodded and started back on my work again. I was interputed again by him speaking to me about my family. "So who is she with now?" I didn't realise i had to tell him everything, very interested in my life i can see.

"She's with James for now, he says when he has work in another hour, the babysitter will then take over". my voice even and not to cold. He once more nodded before typing something on his computer. "Do they like the babysitter?" I moved around in my seat and answered, "I think so, she has never met her" my voice a little wobbly.

He nodded and looked over at me then, "But she seems nice to you?" i held my breahte for a moment, "No.. Yes... Well i don't actually know, i haven't met her, James was the one who got her and has been seeign and talking to her, i've been here". He looked stunned and nodded slowly. "So ou don't know who the hell she is and your ok with James's judgement?"

I started to feel very uneasy and in a way he's right i don't even know her. "No offence Mr Reids but this isn't any of your buisness, i trust my boyfriend we are together as one and i know he wouldn't leave them with just anyone". My voice was harsha dn cold and right then i suddenly regretted saying it, he was sure to fire me now.

"Sorry i offending you Macey, get back to your work, oh and you better tell your so in love boyfriend that your staying two extra hours tonight as you was late and now have come in with an attitude". I sighed and nodded in defeat before getting up and leaving the room to call James. He picked up at the third ring, "Hi baby" his soothing voice soothed me right down again.

"Hi baby, are you ok, you seem to be breathing heavy?" his voice was steady but he was breathing heavy, "Um, Yeah babes just been running up and down stairs for Scarlett and it's tiring work" i smiled and felt wrm inside, i'm glad he knows how to take care of the younger ones. "Well babes i have to stay late  at work tonight, an extra two hours is it ok if you can look after them a little longer?" he agreeed and we said our goodbyes before he hung up.

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