Chapter 5

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I don't know why i stood there so long, or why i didn't want to leave, but after Elsa looked up at me, I felt it was time to move on. My job was to protect her, so that's what I was going to do.

I made a small movement with my hand and watched as my staff appeared in front of me. I snatched it up and flew out of the room. I flew around the castle, checking in on all the rooms. There were several people sleeping in different spare bedrooms. I needed to tell her she couldn't keep that door open any longer. I knew it was out of the good in her heart, but these people could try and harm her, and that was something I wasn't going to let happen.

As I finished the last room, I went to find Elsa. I needed to et those doors shut as soon as possible. But when I past the window I stood at earlier, I saw that Elsa was still outside with Anna.

They playfully tossed snow at each other, laughing as they finished off their snow man. I watched Elsa in amazement. Her hair hung loose around her face, snow flakes resting on her long lashes. Her sweat pants were baggy, but it made her even more beautiful.

I scoffed, why did I keep thinking of her like this?

Because she's amazing? Part of me said. She has been through so much and she was so strong.

But that wasn't the point, there were so many people out there for her. She could be with anyone. And a man that no one could see wouldn't be at the top of that list, that was for sure...

"That was so much fun!" Annas voice boomed down the hall way as I heard feet scattering up the stairs. I looked over to see Anna peeling her hat off and shaking off all the snow. "We will have to do it again soon!"

And even though it was just nearing fall, the snow outside in the yard proved of Elsa's talent.

"Yes we will. But for now," she let out a sigh. "Back to work."

Anna gave her a quick hug, "Thanks do much for playing with me." She said softly. "I'm going to go see Kristoff!" She gushed as she ran off toward her room.

Elsa watched her leave, a small smile laying on her lips. "I forgot how much fun she can be."

I shrugged, "You looked like you were enjoying yourself."

"I really was." She sighed and motioned for me to follow her. "I'm going to change really quick."

I nodded and sat on one of the few chairs. "I do have a few things we need to talk about."

"And what would those things be?" She shouted out to me.

I smile crept up my face, but I was unsure why. "The main door can no longer be open. You can't just let-"

"But those people don't have anywhere to go!" She exclaimed, rushing out of the room to look at me.

She wore a dress that barely reached half way down her thigh, clinging to every curve on her body.

I quickly looked down, feeling my cheeks burn. "I'm sorry, Elsa. But your Safety is all that matters to me. You can't keep that door open."

She came to sit behind a dear that was in front of me. She met my eyes and nodded, "but those people will be allowed in whenever they want."

"All I ask is that you keep tabs on all of them and make sure to keep that door closed. I can't loose you." It slipped out before I could really stop it. "I mean, you're my job and everything." I rubbed the back of my head, squeezing my eyes shut.

She broke a smile and nodded, "Okay. I'll have to talk to them tomorrow morning, but I'll make sure the doors are closed."

"And lock your door at night. When you sleep." I said quickly. "That will be the hardest time because I won't be around."

Her eyes didn't lift to meet mine like they normally did, they stayed on her hands that twisted nervously around one another.

"Well then maybe..." She said quietly; softly. "Seeing it's your job, you should sleep in the room with me." Her eyes finally met mine, her cheeks flushed a light pink.

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." I insisted. I was surprised by the offer, but it was true. This was the best way for me to keep her safe. Keep her alive. Keep her smiling.

"No it wouldn't!" She said quickly. " I mean, it's your job." She recovered quickly, her lips in a straight line. "And you must do your job, Jack." She said in a way, a way that made it seem she was better then me. I clenched my fist.

"Yes, it is my job after all." I pushed out of my chair. "Shall I Move my bed, your highness?" My words dropped with sarcasm and loathing.

"No that won't be necessary." She said as she picked up the phone on her desk. After pressing a few buttons she placed it to her ear and closed her eyes. "Yes I would like a spare king mattress put in my room, please..." She paused, listening to the reply. "Because I simply said so. Hurry up, it's getting late." Her voice got sharp as she ended the call. "I hate it when I am questioned."

Duly noted.


Thanks for reading guys :) I'm so excited to write the next chapter! It's going to be so exciting :D

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