Chapter 12

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Elsa's POV;

As I held a breathless Ana in my hands, I sobbed crazily. "Ana!" I yelled, shaking her a bit. I had just lost Jack; I couldn't lose my sister too.

"Ah, Elsa." A deep British voice cooed from across the room. "It seems like your fears are coming true all to quickly."

"Who are you?!" I screamed, using my body to block Ana. She wasn't dead, she couldn't be. So I would protect her. Protect her until I knew she was okay.

"Well, I am Pitch. Pitch black." His dark eyes set on mine. Lifeless. Loveless. Hate filled black eyes. A small grin pulled at his lips. "Do you know why you should be scared of me, Elsa?" I shook my head. "Because your little boyfriend turned his back on me." He spat.

Boyfri- Jack! "He's okay?" I asked, leaning forward in hope.

His face turned bitter, a scowl raising on his lips. "He is right now. But after I kill you; he probably won't be." He shrugged. "It was bound to happen sooner or later. Might as well be by my hand."

"What...?" My voice trailed off, not sure what he meant. Was he serious? Or was he... "Why would you want me dead?"

"Because-" he said as he pressed off the wall- "he would suffer more without you, then he would if he were dead." He said rather bluntly.

I had been in front of Ana until now. Without my powers I was helpless. Without Ana I was better off dead right now.

I darted out of the room, hearing him laugh wildly from behind me. I grabbed the banner and swung myself down the stars, my feet feeling clumsy. I nearly tripped on the last step, but I didn't.

I pushed through our large front doors, but they wouldn't budge.

"Are we really going to play cat and mouse?" Pitches voice echoed from around me. I wasn't sure which direction he was coming from, but it petrified me. "If so..." He purred a little, "Meow." His accent cut through the air with a harsh lash.

I pressed my back against the door, I could feel my fear surrounding me, suffocating me in it's nonexistent fumes.

RUN ELSA! My mind screamed, so I took off the way I had came. Once I got to the top of the stairs, I saw Pitch standing down the hall, black waves of little bugs, it looked like, surrounded him, moving in wave like motions.

"Wrong way." He said quietly. He thrusted both his hands out at me, the little black bugs charging. They surrounded me in moments, tangling up in my hair, suffocating me with their closeness. I gasped for air, taking a step back as the bugs nearly pushed me down the stairs.

There was a loud booming noise right before I fell, twisting and waiting to hit the stairs, but I didn't hit the stairs.

"Elsa..." A familiar voice rang through my ears, relief clearly evident in his tone.

I peeked up, Jacks face not to far from mine. "Jack!" I yelled, wrapping my arms around his neck quickly and burying my face in his shoulder. We were hovering in the air as he held me. "I don't think I've ever been so happy to see anyone in my entire life." I muttered into his shirt.

"I'm so glad you're okay." His voice was soft, but shaken.

I pulled my face back and looked down. There was Pitch who was fighting against Easter and some other people. One being a little bird looking girl, another a chubby man with long white hair.

But I pulled my focus up to Jack, "Jack..." I said quietly.

Thanks for reading ❤️

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