Chapter 14

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Jacks POV;

"Don't think this is over!" Pitch yelled at us. Elsa and I both looked over to see North holding one of his flailing arms and Easter holding the other. "This isn't the end of me. And this isn't the end for you either, Jack.., I will deal vengeance."

I opened my mouth to say something, but within seconds he had broken down into little pieces of blackness and drifted out of the nearby open window. Easter and snow both dived forward, but he was already gone. Was I worried? Only for Elsa's sake. I could take care of myself, but I worried that she couldn't.

"Let him go." I said as Easter tried to hop on to the window sill. "He's not worth it. Another time, be patient."

"He got away again!" North bellowed. "We can't just let him get away!"

"What do you suggest we do? Run around outside with butterfly nets and collect him?" Tooth said. She rolled her eyes and looked over at Elsa. "Are you okay?"

"I'm feeling a lot better." Her hand found mine, squeezing it reassuringly.

Tooth gritted her teeth but forced a smile. "Good. I'm going to be going now." Her eyes set on me. "I'll see you guys later I guess."

"Why are you leaving?" Easter asked, shutting the window before she had a chance to dart out.

She gave Easter a hard look, "open the window."

"No." Easter said with a snort. "You broke up with him."

Not this. Not right now. "Come on Easter. Not right-"

"You shut up." Easter pointed a paw at me and turned back to Tooth. "You can't break up with someone and then get mad at them for moving on. You should be happy for Jack."

"This is awkward." Elsa muttered quietly, withdrawing her hand from mine. The warmth sealing out of me.

I quickly grabbed her hand back, intertwining our fingers. The warmth flowed up through my arm into my body. I had the urge to kiss her, but I repressed it for Tooths sake. I leaned in to Elsa and closed my eyes and I rested my chin on her shoulder. "Don't let go..." I whispered softly in her ear.

Her cheeks burned a bright red, only emphasizing the few freckles she had on her nose. She squeezed my hand as a reply.

I turned my attention to Tooth who was glaring at us. "Tooth." I said, shaking my head. "You can't do this. You can't hold it against me for trying to be happy."

"You moved on awful fast, don't you think?" She raised a brow, her arms crossed over her chest.

Easter and North bother laughed quietly, "it's been, like, seven months, Tooth." I stared at her in shock. "We weren't together all that long, there really wasn't anything to get over."

Guess I should have kept my mouth shut, because her face got really red, her hands balled into fists. "Now you listen here Jack Frost. You have no right to move on with out permission from me. Especially to someone who isn't even as pretty as I am." She eyed Elsa skeptically.

"Excuse me?" Elsa asked with a laugh. "At least I'm human like he is. You're a freaking bird!" She motioned with her arm, and I could feel the tension growing. Along with Elsa's anger burning through our bond.

I let go of her hand and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her over to me. "Stop." I said softly, yet firmly. "She's just jealous. It's really not worth it." I brushed her hair back pressed my forehead to her temple. "Remember you just got your power back, you might need to get used to it again. We don't need you exploding and killing everyone here." I pulled back and smiled at her.

She sighed and smiled up at me. Her smile could probably light up the whole world on it's darkest day. I brushed my thumb against her cheek and turned to Tooth.

"Leave if you're going to be this way." I shook my head. "This is very immature and sad of you Tooth."

Easter pushed the window back open. "See ya, mate."

With a huff she flew off, but I couldn't have cared less. I had my Elsa back.

Next chapters gonna be really mushy and really action packed 👍

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