Chapter 29

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Jacks POV;

"You promised she wouldn't get hurt!" I screamed, standing up and grabbing my staff.

"She disobeyed me." Diablo muttered, running a hand through his hair. "It's sad, because I really did love her." He glanced over at her unmoving form. "But now I've grown tired of all of this."

I pointed my staff at him, "don't think I'm letting you get away with this." I growled.

"Oh, but if you hurt me or do anything toward me... How will Elsa regain her lost memories?" He acted shocked, "oh dear, did I say something to anger you, Jack?"

I was hopeless. What could I do when he was the key to her locked memory? If I hurt him... Then Elsa would never remember me. But if I hurt him; at least she could continue to live in a world without him. Live in a safe world where nothing could harm her. And I loved her. I loved her enough to give her up so she could live her own life.

I threw the tip of my staff out, ice charging blindly at Diablo. The ice struck his arms, his stomach, his legs, forcing him to step back several times. He cried out in pain, but soon, he clenched his fists, heat enveloping his body, and began to seep toward me.

"If ice and snow melt.." Diablo said. "Then they are harmless."

I felt my power drying up due to the heat. I looked around frantically as Diablo drew closer. He was only feet away now. I took in a deep breath, and drew back my elbow quickly, throwing a punch and knocking him on the side of the jaw.

He staggered back, holding his jaw with his hands, "you hit me!" He yelled.

"Yes. That's what that would be called." I mused, throwing my foot out and kicking him back. "And remember-" I grabbed his hair and dragged him toward the stage, "how you dragged her around like this?" I tossed him meaninglessly to the floor.

He grabbed my ankle, knocking me onto the ground. And out of no where, he shoved a knife at me. I dodged quickly, the knife sinking into the ground. I kicked him off and scrambled to my feet as quickly as I could.

I stood in front if him now. He let out a battle cry before charging at me, grabbing around my waist and slamming me into the wall of the castle. My vision was creased with blackness, and before I could gather myself, diablo threw a punch to my jaw.

I staggered sideways, tripping and falling onto the ground. one hand held my jaw, the other held me up off the ground.

"You're pathetic." He spat. "You're nothing without your powers."

I looked up at him, "you fight dirty." I muttered, slowly standing on my feet. "And you've had more practice."

"Enough with the excuses!" He yelled, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and throwing me back down the isle.

It took me a few seconds to notice the knife I had nearly landed on. I looked over to see Diablo rushing at me. Thinking quick, I grabbed the knife and turned, Diablo launched himself at me.

He landed on me, right where I held the knife. The knife dug into his chest, blood trickling out his mouth. He wasn't alive, but if you killed him here he would be sent back to hell, and I'm sure he would be demoted.

"How did you..." He muttered, blinking fast.

"I used your own weapon against you." I said quietly, pushing him off of me so he was laying on his back.

He grabbed the blade, pulling it out slowly, a small groan escaping his lips. "What have you done?"

"Good bye, Diablo." I said quietly, grabbing my staff and forcing an icicle to decapitate him.

I stood there for a few seconds, scared to look down. But when I finally did, nothing was there besides a little bit of black dust. I let out a relieved sigh.

"Jack." Ana said, picking up Elsa from behind me.

"Hey." I said quickly as I rushed over and took her from her sister. "I can carry her. Just lead the way."

Ana just looked at me for a few seconds, "I'm glad you're back, Jack." She said with a smile, then lead me in to the castle. She had me lay her down on her bed.

"I'm not sure what's going to happen." I admitted. "She probably won't remember me."

"Even if she doesn't, you two have a special bond. There's no way she wouldn't fall in love with you all over again." Ana reassured me.

But maybe her life was better without me. Less complicated. Less stressful. I took in a deep breath and sat on the couch, resting my elbows on my knees, and my chin on my thumbs as I played with my nose with my index fingers.

Ana sat with me for a while, but she eventually left to get some sleep. I refused to leave her side. She had to wake up soon. She couldn't stay unconscious forever...

"Wake up, Elsa." I whispered to her. "Please."


It sadness me that I'm almost done this fanfic... I might drag it on a bit longer- but I'm not sure.

Thanks for reading my beauties 😘

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