Chapter VI

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So I'm currently working on another book. I plan to make it very detailed as it's an original story. Anyways.. enough excuses.. on with the chapter.

Marinette's POV:

I don't even know what came over me, I scampered away from the class, and Adrien, as fast as I could. I was ashamed of my actions, that wasn't appropriate.. my books slipped out of my grasp falling to the floor. I groaned and bent down to pick them up, I snatched up my books and stood. I was now face to face with Adrien agreste "Marinette.." he brushed off my shoulders pretending that there was dust on them, I rose a brow. "Yes Adrien?" I tried to stand tall and proud, "Let's ditch the rest of the day." He said, I blinked. "W-what?" I asked stunned at his words, Adrien bent down until his lips brushed my ear sending shivers up my spine, "We ditch and go back to my house, my dad is out on some sort of trip for his modelling blah blah blah.." I honestly didn't know what to say. If I said yes I knew that meant that I would be skipping school and making a big error on my perfect record.. well.. sorta.. minus all the lates. I sighed, "I dunno Adrien.." he took me by the shoulders, "Come on bugaboo.. be my daring lady." He smiled at me, I smiled back and nodded, the grin that plastered itself to his face was heart warming.

Narrators POV:

Adrien called in to his fathers assistant and asked for a favour. Nathalie was more than happy to call the school and have them overwrite his and Marinette's attendances. "Thank you Nathalie!" Adrien all but screamed into the phone, "Oh and Adrien?" Nathalie said, "Oui?" Adrien responded, "Make sure to stay protected eh? Ciao!" With that Nathalie hung up leaving a blushing Adrien. Marinette and him had been walking to his house, they finally reached the large gate, Adrien instead took them through the secret back-way. Once in the house they went straight to the kitchen, tossing their bags to the floor. Adrien went to the fridge grabbing two bottles of beer, he held the beer out the Marinette, "Do you drink?" He asked kindly.

Marinette shook her head no, "but um.. maybe I'll try it?" She reached her hand out taking the beer and smiling. Adrien's hand grabbed the neck of the bottle, Marinette raised her brows. "Hey.." she complained, Adrien held up a finger silencing her taking the beer and twisting off the cap. He then handed it to her, Marinette smiled taking a sip. Her face scrunched slightly, she looked at him. "Um.. no offence but it's kind of the worst." She laughed out putting the beer down, luckily Adrien hadn't opened his so he put the one he was holding back and grabbed her sipping it. "It's an acquired taste bugaboo." He smiled and puckered his lips, Marinette leaned forward as if to kiss them. Adrien let his eyes close, Marinette then kissed his cheek grabbing the beer and taking another sip before setting it back down in his hand. "Mm.. not as bad that time.." she said although her nose scrunched up slightly still. Adrien laughed and grabbed the beer bottle taking a quick sip. "What do you say we go hang out somewhere in the house.. anywhere you pick it's huuuge." He smiled holding his arms out, Marinette pretended to be in thought for a moment. "Well your house is huge and it is amazing but um.." she stood walking over to him, "I'm honestly more interested in your bed.." she slipped her fingers under the hem of his shirt.

Adrien didn't think he could react big enough, what did she just say?! He thought as her fingers slid further under his shirt, he felt her begin to tug up and he held his hands above his head. "My bed huh? What's so interesting about it?" He asked playing dumb. Marinette pulled his shirt completely off and basically started drooling over his body. "Well mostly interested in what'll be going on in the bed..." she said pulling her shirt off exposing her breasts that were covered by a lace red bra.

Guess I should warn you innocent beans it's about to get into the MA section of the novel.

Adrien visibly gawked. Marinette turned crimson. "Oh yea? What kinds of activities will take place... in my bed?" He asked picking her up by the ass, Marinette squeaked and wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Adrien kissed down her neck to her cleavage licking and sucking the skin leaving a hickey. Marinette moaned lightly her fingers going into his hair, tugging lightly, she looked down and saw the hickey she gasped and slapped the side of his head lightly. "Bad kitty!" She hissed out, Adrien looked up at her, a visible pout on his lips. "I'm not a bad kitty... naughty definitely.." he winked and purred out his words. He carried her under the ass to his room, he entered and walked straight to the bed. "Do you um.. have p-protection?" Marinette stuttered out blushing like mad. Adrien set her down on the bed reaching over to his nightstand opening the drawer and pulling out a condom, he smirked at her. Marinette darkened in blush... she couldn't believe this was about to happen. She kicked off her pants exposing her red and black lace thong.

Adrien was drooling at the sight of her, his penis already being partially erect suddenly went to full on boner. He groaned and climbed onto the bed over top of her. He nudged her legs apart and bent down kissing from her collarbone back up to her lips kissing her deeply. Marinette moaned feeling his boner against her wet core, she pushed back, "Be slow kitty?" She asked breathlessly. Adrien looked at her and kicked off his pants, he kissed her lips lightly, "of course m'lady.. I don't want to hurt you." He smiled and kissed her jaw making her breathing shallow, Marinette hugged him. "Okay.. lets do this then.." she smiled kissing him more.

Yes yes I know I'm evil for stopping her but I feel as though I should tease a little.. note to self...teasers? Have a nice day beans!! Gn .

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