Chapter V

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Ello' lil beans, welcome to chapter V. I'm sorry for not updating I've been swamped with work and barely had any time to myself.

Adrien's POV:

My head hurts. My back is sore. What's that noise? I couldn't pin point it but it sounded like an alarm, I opened my eyes to see Marinette's alarm going off. She was sound asleep up in her bed, somehow I managed to roll onto the floor. Must've hit my head. I thought as I stood up and stretched, I looked at the time, 8:15, fuck. I promised I'd wake her up, I shook my head rubbing my eyes with my index finger and thumb. I climbed up the ladder to where Marinette was, "Mari? C'mon we're going to be late." I moved to shake her lightly by the shoulder. She didn't seem to wake. "Marinette, come on we have to go." I shook her a bit harder, but not enough to hurt her. When she didn't wake I had a better idea, one that put a nice lil' smirk on my face. "Princess, if you don't wake up I'm going to have to kiss you, like in the fairytales." He whispered into her ear, he saw a small smile play on the edge of her lips, is she fake sleeping so I'll kiss her? This made me happier, I moved to her lips and whispered against them, "Alright, one kiss to wake the beautiful princess." I pressed my lips to hers and not to my surprise she kissed back. My brow rose for dramatic reasons, I pulled back and she opened her eyes. "Was my purrincess faking sleep to steal a kiss?" I asked still close to her lips, she bit her bottom lip slightly and a light pink blush crept on to her cheeks. "Maybe." She said and my heart almost stopped, she wanted to kiss me! My heart was doing weird rhythms in my chest, my stomach was doing flips. I felt my face warm up, Marinette was still underneath me, my arms on either side of her body and I was hovering over her. I nudged her legs apart so I was able to but my legs there and not fall over. "Adrien what're you doing?" She asked, I noted that she was as red as Nathaniel's hair. I looked down at our position and blushed myself, I honestly didn't mean to make it dirty. "I didn't want to fall on top of you so I figured putting my legs there would keep me up." I said leaning over so my lips were at her ear, "What'd you think I was doing?" I didn't need to move back to know she was blushing like crazy. She squirmed under me, her crotch rubbed against mine and I had to clench my teeth. "Err.." Marinette turned her head to look at me, "Something wrong kitty?" It sounded almost as if she was doing it, on purpose? What's gotten into her? Not that I mind but I mean.. woah. Once I had recovered from the contact I unclenched my jaw, "I'm alright princess, just taken by surprise." She kissed my cheek and I turned so that I could capture her lips, time no longer mattered to me I would pay off the school to say Marinette and I were there today. She kissed back just as intensively as me, I let my hands snake to her waist. The kiss deepened and I found myself pressed against her, no no no, this is too fast. I pulled back and she was still red in the face, her hair was sprawled out around her and she looked like a goddess.

"This is too fast, I want to take you to dinner and so on and so forth." I said taking her hand and kissing her knuckles, she seemed to lighten to a lighter shade of pink. "Okay, um- yea- school now.. wait, school!" Marinette freaked out and I grabbed my phone from my pocket checking the time, 8:37, well.. she is distracting. I mentally slapped myself, she saw the time and just like that I was off of her and she was climbing down the ladder, she ran to her closet and shut the door. I had come over in this outfit so I just made sure that I tidied my hair and straightened out my clothes.

Marinette walked out of her closet in black jeans a red shirt and a black jacket. Her hair was pulled into one ponytail instead of two pigtails and she looked.. well she looked fucking hot! I was gawking and she was as red as her shirt, "C'mon we are already late." She said grabbing my hand leading me through the trapdoor, through her house and out the bakery doors. "Now what?" I asked, seeing as how my driver wasn't here I didn't exactly know how to get around, she just chuckled, she locked the door and then stuck the key in her knapsack along with her other school items. "We run." She said and grabbed my wrist again, just like that I was running to school with Marinette. We made pretty good time seeing as how close Marinette lived to the school. The bell for 8:55 rang and we walked into class, panting. We took our seats.

Marinette's POV:

How we even made it to class on time was beyond me, as soon as we sat down the lesson started and I fell asleep on my desk. I felt some movement and then something soft was under me, it smelled somewhat like honey and cinnamon. I snuggled into it and started to really doze off..

Adrien's POV:

I put my sweater under her head and she just totally passed out, huh poor princess. I was just doodling on my page when the teacher looked like she was going to call on Marinette, I rose my hand, "uh- uh- madame what's a consonant?" Everyone looked t me like I was stupid but at least I bought Marinette a bit more sleep time. I zoned out when the teacher was explaining something, I kept doodling when I looked down and saw something in Marinette's bag. What's this? I bent down as if to get something from my bag.

I snaked my hand into her bag and grabbed the sketch book, it was opened to a page that had a black hoodie with cat ears and a green paw on the front, the pants were sweats and they said 'meowch' on the back. It was clearly designed for a girl to wear, but I loved it. Wait wait wait.. this is a chat noir outfit. My mouth fell open and inside I felt like fireworks were lighting off. I closed the book and put it back in her bag. I couldn't stop smiling, maybe I'll get her the materials to make it. Just then the bell rang, Marinette was still out cold so I leaned over to her ear and whispered "Time to get up bugaboo." She shifted and moaned quietly. I chuckled and moved back, she sat up stretched and yawned. "Did you sleep well?" I asked taking my sweater back, she blushed. "Yep, I feel better now." She grabbed her bag and stood to leave, Nathaniel walked by us and stopped to see Marinette.

He was obviously cleaned up, his hair was styled differently, and he had some sharper looking clothes on, Marinette seemed to take notice of this. "Hey Nath, what's up?" She stretched and Nathaniel wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her flush against him, I groaned and knew that I couldn't do anything because Marinette had to choose. She hugged him and then let go, Nathaniels hands rested on her waist. "Are you free tonight?" He asked her leaning in resting his forehead on hers. Marinette looked so uncomfortable I was holding back laughter. "Um no, actually I'm not available. I'm going on a date." At that she tried to duck out of the hug and Nathaniel just stepped back giving her space. "Might I ask with who?" He turned his head to me giving me a death glare.

"Um Adrien.." She said looking at me and blushing, I just smiled at her flashing a grin. Marinette had turned as red as Nathaniels hair. Nathaniel was burning holes into my skull with his eyes, but I didn't care, Marinette was 10x more precious than Nathaniel and looking at her made me forget that I was being glared at by Nathaniel. "Oh, so you're going out with Adrien.." Nathaniel seemed like he was doing everything in his power not to burn me to death on the spot, Marinette turned to Nathaniel. "Yea, I am going out with the both of you and then once I feel I've made my decision I will choose between you." She said it confidently and it made me smile. Nathaniel just nodded and waved to her, "I think I'm going to be late for my next class." With that Nathaniel left the room. It was just me and Marinette because the teacher had left as well. I saw her turning to leave and I stepped in front of her, I closed and locked the door and made sure all the blinds were on the windows. "Adrien what're you-" I walked over to her and kissed her, placing my hands on either side of her face steadying her. She was shocked at first but then she relaxed and kissed back, my heart felt like it was fluttering in my chest. Her little fingers knotted into my hair, she pressed her lips harder against mine. I moved my hands to the back of her thighs lifting her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist.

I bit on her lip slightly and she gasped, I took the opportunity to stick my tongue in her mouth. She moaned as our tongues battled for dominance. I pressed my hips harder against hers, this was getting very heated very quickly. She was messing up my hair with her minuscule fingers and her nails scrapped lightly at my scalp, the sensation sent shivers up my spine. We broke for air panting slightly, "What're we doing?" She asked, I rested my forehead against hers. "Whatever you want to do." I whispered. She kissed me again lightly. "I don't know what I want." She whispered against my lips, her breath was like honey. "Well, why don't we finish the rest of the day, enjoy our dinner tonight and see where it takes us?" I offered, she nodded.

I moved back so she could get off the desk, she grabbed my shirt pulling me back to her kissing me again. When we broke away this time Marinette kissed my cheek leaving me blushing, it was as if I had awakened a beast. "Sounds good Chatton." With that she got off the desk grabbed her bag and left. I stood awestruck, my princess has a sinful side?

BOOM all done for this chapter, until next time my beans.. ciao!

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