Chapter VIII

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A/N: Okay so I know that I have been MIA (Missing in Action) But I have a good reason, I had a huge case of writers block. When Season 2 of MLB came out I started to watch it and needless to say I got some of my spark back. So on with the book- Oh I also have another project under my wing called "Untitled.." And I'm going to finish all the chapters before I publish. Now, on with the story!

Narrator's POV:

Marinette stirred slightly, she looked around not recognizing the room she was in until her mind registered what events had happened prior to her current state. A wave of happiness enveloped her as well as a slight bit of pain between her legs. She sat up slowly as not to wake the blonde boy sleeping next to her. Marinette let her hands travel over her bare skin, she felt amazing, her mind flashing back to last night.

|| Flashback ||

~Marinette's POV~

"Adrien.." I moan breathlessly as he kisses and nips at my neck lovingly, his strong hands gently glided up and down my arms. We sat in his bed, both completely nude, I in his lap straddling him. My arms were around his neck but my hands were in his beautifully soft golden locks, enjoying every detail of him. When Adrien pulled away from my neck, I stared into his green eyes and smiled as I could feel the love radiating from him. I leaned in and kissed his lips softly, my eyes fluttering closed while I pressed my bare breasts against his bare toned chest, my hands still in his hair enjoying pulling lightly. Adrien's hands slowly got lower and lower, running down my sides and resting on my hips, his thumbs rubbing in small circles.

|| End flashback ||

~Narrators POV~

Marinette looked over herself and smiled while blushing profusely, she enjoyed every memory that engulfed her at the thought of her evening with Adrien. Marinette looked over to Adrien again with a smile, she slowly stood from the bed and pulled on an oversized hoodie and her panties. She wandered around his room, Marinette stepped into the large bathroom and admired the white and silver tones all over.

She began to look herself over in the body length mirror, she noted little bruise like marks on her neck. "Adrien!" She somewhat yelled.

Adrien stirred in his sleep before blinking a few times and looked over at Marinette. "Like your little gifts my love?" He says with an evil chuckle. Marinette walked back over to him and bent down, she looked him dead in the eyes.

"You gave me hickeys." Marinette said with a pissed off expression. Adrien shrugged as he sat up exposing his toned bare chest.

"So, you seemed to like it last night." He snickered again before pulling the blankets off of himself and standing, towering over Marinette. Adrien was completely naked.

Marinette was more red than the actual colour, she bit her lip and rolled her eyes. "You don't know that for a fact.." She said trying to defend herself.

Adrien bent down to her ear. "Oh Adrien, fuck yes.." He mocked her and Marinette looked like she might explode. She slapped him repeatedly, Adrien pulled on some shorts and ran into his oversized closet, hiding.

"Don't mock me!" Marinette said. She was a flustered little mess. Adrien chuckled.

"Okay I won't tease you, but I really love the way my name rolls off your tongue in that particular tone.." He winked at her and Marinette slapped him some more.

After about an hour of them relaxing and hanging out they decide to just skip the day at school and do something fun.

"Hey Mari?" Adrien questioned.

"Yes kitty?" Mari responded with a slight giggle.

"What do you say we go to the park.. on a date?" He said grabbing her hand gently and rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.

Mari smiled. "I say that sounds great, we should probably get going soon.. it's getting near noon.. we could take cute pictures!" She smiles more.

Adrien adored her smile, he cupped her cheek with his hand and kissed her gently, leaving a blushing Marinette in his midst.

"Okay." Was his simple response.

Marinette and Adrien got ready to go out, Adrien grabbed some clothes from his father's previous photo shoots and gave them to Marinette. She was wearing a light pink croptop with black high waist jean shorts, black strap heels and her hair was down.

Adrien had changed into a nice white shirt and some dressy but somewhat casual black pants. The two smiled at one another.

"You ready to go bugaboo?" Adrien asked Marinette holding his arm out for her to take.

"Yes kitty, lets go." She giggled out, looping her arm through Adrien's and they walked out to the park.

On the walk to the park, Mari was admiring all the sights while Adrien admired Marinette. Marinette talked about the history of buildings in Paris and although Adrien didn't care much for history he had to admit that if Marinette was the one that taught it he would definitely be more attentive in class.

"And that's why people don't sing under that roof." Marinette finished her 'lesson' with a laugh and Adrien joined in. The two had reached the park.

"Wow I love the park.. it's so nice to just come and hang out." Adrien said taking in a deep breath and exhaling.

"Yeah, it's also where I get a lot of my inspiration from." Mari added on. She walked with Adrien to a bench and the two sat holding hands. They admired the sights and Marinette slowly leaned her head on Adrien's shoulder with a bright smile.

"Marinette.. we are meant to be together and I can just feel it.. I want to be with you forever and this isn't me being a love struck idiot this is me being serious.. I can't give you up or screw up with you.. I just love you too much." Adrien said with a serious but kind smile on his lips.

"Adrien.. I won't choose anyone over you. I pick you always and forever, I'm in love with you too and I can't mess this up Adrien.." She gave him a sheepish smile and leaned over to kiss him.

Adrien let the kiss linger until he pulled back and smiled, resting his forehead against Marinette's. "You'll love me forever.. you promise?"

"I promise." Marinette smiled and kissed him again.

A/N: well it's short but at least I updated.. I'm probably going to make the next chapter the last one and I'm going to wrap it up nicely and package it with a bow for y'all.

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