Chapter i

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A/N:Welcome lil' beans to chapter one of 'Jealousy' thanks for clicking on this and I hope you  enjoy!

Narrator's POV:
Marinette lay in her bed snoring softly when she heard her mother yelling at her, "MARINETTE!! You're going to be late!!" Her mother chided, Marinette looked at her clock and panicked. She jumped out of bed brushed her hair and teeth, threw on her regular outfit but only a single ponytail (she couldn't find the other elastic) and ran down the trap door with her bag and purse in hand.

"Merci maman!" Marinette smiled as she grabbed the bagged lunch off the table and ran out the door. Marinette tripped over her untied shoelace and shut her eyes tightly waiting for the impact of the ground to collide with her face. When she felt a pair of strong arms catch her she looked up, blue eyes met green ones as Marinette looked into the eyes of Adrien Agreste.

"Oh, hi there.. ok?" He asked kindly standing her back up, Marinette turned pink in the face. She honestly didn't know why, "Uhm y-yea, thanks for you- me- catching.. hehe..." Marinette looked down at her feet, Adrien scratched the back of his neck. "Well uh, where you headed?" He asked, Marinette looked up cautiously into his emerald eyes, "François Dúpont." She said somewhat quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

"No way! Me too! Here let me walk you." Adrien said holding out his arm all gentlemanly. Marinette turned pinker and looped her arm through his, "th-thanks." She managed to choke out before biting her tongue.

Marinette's POV:
Why am I STUTTERING?! I thought as I looked at the stunning blonde next to me, he had the cutest smile that played at the edges of his lips. "So, y-you go to FD?" I asked him trying to strike up conversation, but again with the stuttering..

"Well I'm going to be going there, today is actually my first day." He smiled at me making my heart flutter slightly and my knees feel weak.. what the hell is wrong with me..? I wondered, all to soon we reached the school. "Well hope to see you later..?" Adrien ended his sentence in a question that I quickly answered, "Marinette." I smiled and could feel a small blush creep across my cheeks.

"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you Marinette, I hope to see you soon." He said as he grabbed my left hand and placed a kiss on my knuckles and winked at me. "Y-yeah.. later." I said breathlessly as I watched him walk off to class, I sighed contently. "H-hey Marinette!" I heard someone to my left call my name, I turned to see Nathaniel running up to me. "Hey Nathaniel, what's up?" I asked casually but I still had Adrien lingering in my thoughts.

"Well I thought that we could maybe go see a movie tonight, we can get dinner too." He smiled as pink blush stained his cheeks, I snapped out of my daydreams and looked at the sweet kind boy I front of me. "I'd love to, what time?" I asked as I brushed a piece of hair out of my eyes, Nathaniel saw me struggling to get the piece to stay so he leaned in took a bobby pin from his sleeve and put it up, "How about 5?" Nathaniel asked, I could feel his breath against my cheek, he smelled like peppermint and chocolate.

"That sounds great Nath." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, he turned scarlet. "See ya later Nathaniel." I turned and began to walk to class waving to him, "Uh.. y-yeah! B-bye Mari." He stuttered, I grinned and looked down as I walked into my class, I then looked up to be met with a pair of emerald green eyes. "Hey Marinette!"


I almost collapsed, he is in my class... ok ok ok BREATH MARINETTE I tried to mentally calm myself down, but it didn't work. "Uh heh, h-hey Adrien!" I smiled and walked past him feeling my face heating up. WHY ME?! I silently cursed the universe, I walked up to mme Bustier's desk, she looked up and smiled kindly "Hello, you must be Marinette, your seat is-" Anywhere but next to Adrien, anywhere but next to Adrien, anywhere bu- "Next to Adrien." She smiled softly not realizing she just ended me.

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