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Sighing I got out of bed to start the day. I grab some clothes and place them on the bed. Then went down the hallway to Lex room and knock on the door. I open it and see that she was still asleep. Oh hell no if I have to wake up early so do you I said to myself. I smile and ran for the bed jumping on it. She groan a bit before pushing me onto the floor.

"Leave me alone Y/n." she said while showing her middle finger at me.

I frown and got up saying,"It's 9:00 in the morning and you want to miss the fan meeting nice."

She laid there for a bit more before jumping out of the bed yelling,"OMG IT TODAY!"

I shook my head and went back to my bathroom then took a shower. I came back out and put on the clothes that I put on the bed on. I went to the mirror and smile at my outfit. Before I could even leave the room Lee and Ash came in looking at my outfit.

"Nope, your not wearing that." Ash did going to the closet and look around.

Lee smile at me and said,"This is why we are here."

Assholes I said to myself looking at them. After what felt like an hour Ash hand me my new outfit and sent me to the bathroom. I came out and went to the mirror. Okay this is way better then my outfit before.

( Outfit ⬇ )

   "Hurry Y/n and get downstairs," Lee said before her and her brother left the room

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"Hurry Y/n and get downstairs," Lee said before her and her brother left the room.

I rush to the bathroom one more time to fix my hair so it look okay in the beanie I was wearing then went down to the kitchen. Lex was practically jumping up and down at the table.

"Lex calm down fam." I said laughing.

She shrugged at me and continue to eat her food. Lee and Ash were eating something that look like vomit. While I grab a piece of cold pizza from the box we had last night. God, I love pizza. I look down at my phone and played some game waiting for them to finish eating.

"Y/n come on it time to go to the fan meeting," Ash said to me grabbing my hand pulling me to the car.

After being physically dragged, I held my arm and whimpered a bit.

"Damn I forget how strong Ash could be," I said to Lex in the back seat.

She laugh and nod her head before putting in some headphones and ignored me for the rest of the ride. Nice I said to myself. When we made it to the place where they were having it Lex was all of the place.

"Omg I get to see Taehyung." she said but it sound like she was yelling it.

Ash shook his head and said," Lex calm down you need to stay calm."

She seem to listen and I frown she didn't listen to me at the table meanie. We made it in line and I think I was 147 because that what they said. Wow that is a large group of people. I look to see Lex behind me and Ash in front with Lee in front of him. Well guess we going to stand here for an hour or some. I sigh and pulled out my phone for the wait.

The wait was long and I was now trier from waiting. But once we get inside the building it went pretty fast after that. I was now sitting in between two people that I have no clue who they are and that weird because I thought Ash was in front of and with Lex behind me but it's whatever. I saw Bts walk out on the stage and most of the people started to scream. Wow, it is loud in here. OMG there is Suga my bias is right there in the same room as me. I smile a bit at the thought I had. This day couldn't get better could it. They started off by introducing themselves and thing like that. I love Suga's hair color and now I have to get Lee to dye my hair when we get home, maybe.

After sometime went by rows of people went up to see the idols in front of us. I can't wait to meet them. I watch as the line in front of us stood up to go up to the tables. I look down to make sure I brought the flower crowns that I made. ( Flower Crowns )

    After check if I had everything it was my lines turn

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After check if I had everything it was my lines turn. I got with the rest of girls and boys in the line and walk to the stage. I check around the room to see if I could see Lex, Ash or Lee and I came across Lee. I waved to her and she wave back smiling at me. Ash was next to her and he look my way. He rolled his eyes and pointed to the person two lines in front of them. I look to where he was pointing to find Lex in shock and just sitting there very still. Wow, way to go Lex.

I move forward a bit and I was starting to get nervous. I mean I said a small thank in my head that I wasn't the only guy because there was two in front of me and some in the back. I grab my phone that went off. Lex text me some pictures of myself saying she was going to post those. I quickly sent a no and put my phone back in my pocket. And it was finally my turn.

I walk up to the first person who was Jin. I sat on my knees and gave him the flower crown I made.

"Thank you." he said taking it and putting it on. He sign the album I had with me and time was up.

The next person was Rap monster. I was bit more nervous now then I was with Jin but it okay. I hand him his gift and said somethings to him then had him sign my album.

I move to the next one which was Taehyung. He look up at me and just stared.

"Hi." I said and hand him his gift.

He smile and said,"You're cute."

I blushed as he sign the album.

"Can I have your phone please," he said with a small smile.

I nodded my head and hand him the phone. He grab it and did some stuff on it then quickly gave it back once he was done.


A/N: Hi sorry for all the pictures it just I'm a visual person. And I hope you all like it. Oh and Y/n speaks Korean. Bye \*×*/...

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