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A/n: soooooo I decide to post this today then wait till Thursdays to post. Enjoy!!

M/n pov.

I lost time and before I know it, it was dark outside. I frown at the thought that there was no one that came or anything. Am I still in trouble? I felt a sad feeling start forming in my chest. Am I really that bad? I quickly push that thought away when I notice that door start to open. I kind of moved over when the door open to Yoongi.

"Up," he said as he turn away from me to leave. I got up and walked till I was behind him. "Follow me," he said again only in a normal voice. I follow him down the long boring hallway that I know way too much. He move to the end of the hallway and I stop. I wasn't allow this far only if we were leaving or something. I guess he caught on that I stop cause he grab my wrist and pull me out in the living room.

No one was there only the two of us. "Sit and don't move," he said before he when into the kitchen. I sat on the couch looking around at the kind of messy living room. He came back with a glass of water in his hand. He push it in front of me and got back up not saying anything. This feels weird............ what is he doing? I brought the water up to drink some of it and place it back on the table. I need to be careful on what I do with him.

I said over and over in my head. He came back and sat next to me. It was quiet but he made sure that I didn't move a bit with out him noticing. What is happening? He shook his head out of nowhere which start to scare me. What do I do? "Here," he said as he pointed to the floor by his feet. I quickly move off the couch and on the floor so I didn't upset him. I sat with my legs cross right next to him. I flinch a bit when his hand ran through my hair. "If you act like this all the time you wouldn't be in trouble all the time," he said while he harshly pull my head back.

The pain didn't hurt as much but it was uncomfortable. He let go then continue to comb my hair. He is confusing me again. What does he mean? His hand stop but I didn't notice that I whined a bit when he stop. What is happening to me? I know he notice this but didn't do anything about it. I heard the door open but I didn't look to see who it was. I saw another pair of shoes sit on the other side of me.

"How was he," I heard Taehyung say to Yoongi. Yoongi didn't answer but when back to combing my hair with his hands. I push up against his hands as he did this. "Wow do you like that m/n," Taehyung ask. I felt my face start to get hot as he notice. Taehyung place his finger under my chin and brought my face up to face him. He looked into my eyes and smile a bit. "Leave him be. He is being good," Yoongi said to Taehyung. Taehyung frown a bit before letting my chin go. I look back to the floor placing with the bottom of the couch.

It been about 40 minutes and no one did anything. I started to feel a lot better being around the two. I lean against the couch a bit feeling tired. Taehyung look down at me before he picked me up off the floor and onto his lap. "Hmm.. are you tired little one," he whispered to me. I slowly nod my head as I look over at Yoongi to see if he was watching but to my surprise he was still on his phone. "Taehyung let him sleep in your room tonight," Yoongi said before he got up and put his shoes on and left.

Taehyung got up with me and brought me to his room. The room was a little different then the ones I had been in before this. He laid me down on the bed. I laid there for awhile before turning on my side. The bed had a strong smell of him but it was comforting to me. I slowly closed my eye only to hear Taehyung get into bed next to me and wrap his arms around my waist. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

The next morning was weird. I woke up to still being held by Taehyung. His seem to notice that I was awake but didn't get only to buried himself in my neck. I yelp when it happen and I quickly place my hand over my mouth. He didn't seem mind cause he stand where he was the whole time. "Go back to sleep m/n," he said in a low morning voice. I closed my eyes again hoping sleep would fall over me but it didn't. I kept my eyes closed and laid there feeling Taehyung breathing start to slowly back down. He asleep now I said to myself. I turn around facing him. I move closer trying to keep myself warm. It was very cold in the room. I felt our legs start to tangle together and it wasn't long before I fell back to sleep. I very much enjoyed this moment.

A/n: Hi I'm back which this beautiful chapter that is pretty much getting back on track. I hope you enjoyed it!!!!

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