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Warning: Self-harm and blood


I woke up to no one like yesterday again. I got up put on something that I could find and went out to the living room. It seem like it was the same because there Jimin and Taehyung played video games while jungkook was on his phone. I sat down on the end of the couch looking at the game they played trying to finish waking myself up.

The sound of fake shooting and yelling was all that could be hear at the moment. " Hey, we are going out later. Do you want to come with us," Jimin ask looking away from the tv. I thought about it and said," yeah." Taehyung seem to be a little happier when I said yes to the question. " Then go change," Jungkook add not looking up from his phone. I got up only to see that Jungkook got too.

He seem to follow me down the hallway but before I could go into Yoongi's room he grabbed my hand and brought me to his room. I look around the gray room. He didn't have many things put a bed in the left corner and a desk in the right corner. I sigh feeling more relax in Jungkook room then Yoongi. I look over at him as he went through his clothes throwing some clothes on the bed. He close the closet door and said," wear that." I nodded my head going into restroom to change.

After I was done, I walk back to the living room to find that Taehyung and Jimin changed into different clothes and the tv turn off

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After I was done, I walk back to the living room to find that Taehyung and Jimin changed into different clothes and the tv turn off. I knew the rules and none of them repeated them. Taehyung grabbed my hand as we walk out the door. I move bit closer to them as we walk down to the busy streets. I didn't like crowds of people even if it was my only way out. I stay close to them as I look around the area. Many of people were around going on with business not noticing anything. I smile at the small babies that were around as we walk. Taehyung stop in front of a store and told the others that I would be with him.

When we got into the store it was warm and smelled pretty good too. I watch as Taehyung look at everything and ask me question here and there about this or that. After we were done there, me and Taehyung walk to a restaurant that Jungkook and Jimin were in. Finding them wasn't hard because of Jimin's laugh and Jungkook acting crazy. This is the maknae line that we all fell in love with but the other side to them was terrible and unforgettable. I sat near the window with Jungkook sitting in front of me with Jimin and Taehyung on the outside of the seats. The waiter came by and ask," what can I get you guys." Jungkook look over at everyone but me and said," two spirits and two waters." With that he was gone to get the drinks. I didn't talk but listen to the conversation that they had about new music ideas and such what. I didn't get to order for myself because Taehyung did it for me. I drank the water slowly so that I could keep in down. The smell of food was making my stomach turn. I notice that the three boys were on their phones and had stop talkign. I tap Taehyung asking," can I go to the restroom?" He got up and I got out looking around for the bathroom.

After finally finding it, I walk in to see the sinks. I look into the mirror and saw that I had a small amount of color left in my skin and my hair was dull. I sigh slashing some water one my face. The mirror seem to piss me off more and more I look at myself. The angry took over and the mirror was broken. I look down at my hand to see nothing but red.

The sink I used was now filled with glass and blood from my hand. I frown at the stinging feeling and went to the other sink cleaning my hand. I went to leave but I stop in front of the sink were the glass was. I grab a sharp piece and turn around to a stall. I sat on the floor look at my wrist then down at my thighs. The easy way is to go for the wrist today. I closed my eyes bring the piece of glass down on my wrist feeling the small stinging again. I didn't look bit I didn't know how far to go so I put some more pressure down on the glass feeling the stinging getting worst then before. I open my eyes and look at the mess around me. I got up going to the sink again cleaning up the blood. I wipe the blood off the glass piece and put it in my pocket.

I walk back to the table and sat back down. The food that was now in front of me made me feel sick. I look out the window watching the birds fly away from a tree. I want to be a bird and live a easy life. " Y/n, you need to eat," Jimin said getting my attention. I nodded my head and started to eat the food in front of me. The last thing I need is to get in trouble again. I ate almost half of my food and we left.

Taehyung drop me off at the dorm and left. I walk down the hallway coming to Yoongi's room only to stop and look at Namjoon's room. There has to be something to tell am why I am here. I walk slowly over to his room and place my hand on the door knob. "You can so this," I told myself scared that he might be in there. I open the door to see a dark room. I place my hand on the wall trying to find the light switch and finally I found it.

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