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Third person

Y/n was being carried to a car and put in while the others got in.

"Why did it take you so long." Hoseok ask as he sat in the front.

The two younger one settle down putting Y/n in between them.

"It gets harder when they fight." Jimin said.

"Hurry we don't have much time before we leave." Jungkook say looking over at Hoseok.

He nodded his head and started the car. After a long drive they made it to the hotel. Jimin grabbed Y/n like he had pass out drunk. Jungkook and Hoseok look disappointed to make it look real. People didn't really look at them as they brought in Y/n and mading it to the elevator. Once they got in they put Y/n down where he was half standing with help.

"Damn Jimin how much did you give him," Hoseok said looking at the younger male.

He shrugged and said,"I just pour all of it on the cloth like Yoongi-hyung said."

Hoseok shook his head and grab a hold of the younger boy from falling. Jungkook grab the other side of Y/n and once the elevator stop they move him to his and Taehyung room. Taehyung open the door for them as they brought him in.

"Did it go okay." Taehyung ask looking at Y/n on the bed.

"Kind of but it took awhile." Jungkook explain to Taehyung.

He move to where he was sitting close to Y/n and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm going to tell the other that he is here." Jimin said and Hoseok said he would follow him there.

Jungkook sat down on the other side of the bed,"He's really cute."

Taehyung nod along with him watching Y/n sleep.

The room was silent till there was a vibrating sound. Jungkook pulled out a phone with an blue and white case looking at the message.

"Crap it's one of his friends." Jungkook said and quickly typed something that sound like Y/n was answering.

' Hey, are you okay' - Ash

' Yeah, I'm fine why' - Y/n

' Well your work called and ask when you were going to be back' - Ash

' Oh okay well I'm on my way back now' - Y/n.

' Oh okay bye then' - Ash

"Haha guess we don't need this anymore." Jungkook said throwing the phone out the window.

Taehyung shook his head and said,"What a bad friend."

Just then the door open and the rest of the group walked through the door.

"Suga, I told you not to use the whole bottle." Jin said looking over at Y/n next to Taehyung.

Suga shrugged not caring like always and laid down on the bed next to Y/n while closing his eyes.

"Grab him we have to get the airport now," Namjoon said looking over at Y/n and continue," He should wake up soon."

With that said Taehyung pick up Y/n body and change his clothes. ( Outfit )

 ( Outfit )

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I tried to open my eyes but it was hard to. I heard some voices around me but then it went quiet.

"So prefect this will be fun to ruin." I heard the voice say.

I was finally able to pull my eyes open but everything was blurred. I felt kind of dizzy as I tried to clear my vision. It took awhile but it was finally clear. I saw that I was sitting in a seat with someone.

I look out the window to find that I was on a airplane. I turn to see Taehyung asleep next to me. There no way I could get out without waking him up. I sigh looking around most of the people were asleep. Great, I look back over at Taehyung who was still asleep. I can do this I said getting up and picking up my feet so that I didn't hit his legs on the way out. I looked around for the others but I couldn't see them. I shrugged and look back to see of I woke him up.

Taehyung was still asleep I told myself. I felt relief wash over me as I look at him. I walk down the small path to tried to find help. I wonder why they did this but it was lived short when someone grab me and push me into the bathroom. I hit my head on the wall as I heard the door be closed.

"Do you really think that was a good idea." he said.

I turn to see an angry Suga look down at me. I went to pick myself off the floor but he push me back down.

"Did I say you could get up." he yell at me.

I shook my head and stay where I fell at.

"See it isn't hard to listen now is it." he said.

I felt him grab a hold of my arm pulling me up.

"You will learn fast that if you pull something like that again it will hurt more for you." he said pinning me to the wall.

I put my hands in between us trying to push him off of myself. He sigh and grab something from his pocket. He then grab my arm and push in a needle. I tried to push away but I felt a bit dizzy again and be off so knew it I was out again.

Third person

Yoongi pick up the limp body and brought him back to his seat.

He woke up Taehyung and said,"Switch me seats."

Taehyung didn't fight it and moved to where Yoongi was sitting and fell back asleep. Yoongi drop Y/n into the seat not caring what happen to him.

"All you are is a toy and that all you will ever be." he said to the unconscious Y/n.

A/N: I did a plot twist because why not.

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