Wishful Thinking

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     Merlin was happy. For the first time in a long time, he was really, truly happy. No sorcerers to defeat, no wars to win, and nothing to hide. Arthur had brought back magic to Camelot, and accepted Merlin for who he was. Merlin was now Court Warlock, sitting in a chair next to Arthur's throne. He was smiling, brighter than he ever had, before. All was right with the world. 

     No, all was not right with the world, not the real world, at least. Thoughts kept nagging at Merlin, from the back of his head. Where was Guinevere, Merlin's first friend in Camelot? Where were all the knights? Merlin recognized none of the faces. He looked at Arthur, but it wasn't Arthur. There was something different about the way he held himself. 

     Merlin watched as Arthur slowly started to morph, before his eyes, into Morgana.

     She smiled at him. Morgana genuinely smiled at Merlin, and her face was without a trace of her usual malice. "Are you ready to become my king, Emrys?" She asked.

     No, no, no, this could not be happening. Before he could stop himself, Merlin spoke:"Yes, my queen." It wasn't with mockery that he spoke with, but with honesty.

     That was when Merlin woke up. It had ended as soon as it had begun. Once again, Merlin was trapped in the cold cell, bound by chains that had been blessed by the Triple Goddess, herself. 

     Morgana smiled at the warlock, this one was as evil as he remembered. Merlin spat on the cold floor, feeling extra rebellious today. Morgana smirked, then slapped Merlin.

     "Don't get cocky,"she said. "You will  tell me, because, eventually, you will want to. Or... I could just torture it out of you," Morgana smirked. "Now, for the last time today, before I decide that one meal per-day is too much. Who is Emrys?"

     Merlin retaliated with a question:"Why would you want to know? And why on Earth would I tell you?"

     Morgana smirked again, "So he can join me, of course. And because fresh human meat is a lot better for the dogs than old Gregory, over there," she said, indicating to a rotting corpse at the other side of Merlin's cell. With that, Morgana left Merlin in his cold, damp cell, shivering.

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