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      Elyan didn't know what to do. Obviously it was a maze, so solve it, right? Except it was a Giant Tree-Maze™️ and Elyan had always hated mazes. And puzzles. Anything that made him feel stupid, really. As a child, Gwen would give him little homemade puzzle boxes to keep him occupied. He could never figure them out, because he had always over-complicated them. The solution was usually something really simple, like sliding a lever to the left. Elyan always told himself that he was too smart for the puzzles. Maybe he was, or maybe he was too ignorant to see that life is sometimes just that simple. However, nothing about this maze seemed simple. Well, except for the fact that it was a Giant Tree-Maze™️. That part was pretty easy to understand. However, nothing else about it made since. Where did it come from? Did Leon and Elyan go to it? What the heck was that Extreme Tree-Dusting Storm™️? Well, obviously it was an Extreme Tree-Dusting Storm™️, but what had caused it? It definitely wasn't a natural occurrence. Then again, neither was the Giant Tree-Maze™️.

     Leon's voice startled Elyan out of his thoughts. "I guess we should choose which direction we're going to go. We can't exactly climb the walls." It was true, there were somehow no footholds on the maze walls. So, reluctantly, Elyan participated in the decision-making-process. Kind of.

"Do you have a coin?" He asked.

Leon looked at him, confused. "Yeah, why?"

Elyan smiled. "That way-" he said, indicating to the left, "-is heads. And that way-" he pointed to the right, "-is tails. Deal?"

Leon sighed. "I suppose."

Elyan flipped the coin. The action itself was not relevant, but, what followed was relevant. As Elyan flipped the coin, he felt something. A ripple in the air. It was almost unnoticeable, but when it hit the coin, something happened. It wasn't clear what, at least not to Elyan or Leon, but something happened. The coin landed on heads, so Leon and Elyan picked it up, and went left. As soon as they had turned to the left path, the exit to where the two knoghts started closed off. It wasn't like a door closing, nor was it a magical disappearance of space. No, the wall parallel to Elyan and Leon simply slid across the ground. It was if a giant hand had pushed the Giant Tree Wall™️. There was no way to except forward.

Leon frowned. "Huh... weird."

Weird, indeed. If there was one thing Elyan was sure of, it was that somehow, someway, they weren't where they started, in the forest. And that magic was probably involved.


"What do you think they're going to do to us?" The real Gwaine asked, acting almost like a small child who had been caught doing something wrong and was waiting for the consequence.

Percival paused, thinking of what to say. He could either comfort Gwaine, or motivate him. Although he wished to condole the other knight, Percival knew that motivation and tough-love would be more useful. Sigh. "They'll kill us if we don't escape, somehow," spake Percival, the voice of calm and reason.

"But how?" Gwaine asked. "This isn't like the stories, where the hero gets away by slicing the bindings with a nifty nail. This is real life, and real life is rarely that simple. We might as well talk about what those witches will do to us. There's nothing else to do!"

Part of Percival agreed with Gwaine. What was the point in even trying? The chances of them getting out of this were close to zero. But there was a purpose. Percival and Gwaine had information that could potentially save their friends' lives. Percival knew that Gwaine knew that. He just needed to be reminded.

Wishful Thinking - Merlin [Under Construction]Where stories live. Discover now