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     Morgana's plan was in motion. Even her backup plan had been set up. Everything was ready.

     Arthur was still under the effects of the Wishful Thinking spell, so Morgana would torture Merlin, one last time. For her final session with the boy, the witch would use the most painful stone: the diamond. It attacked both the body and spirit of its victims. Very few could keep their sanity after being exposed to the gem. Hopefully, Merlin reveal Emrys's identity before he went insane.

     Morgana grabbed the diamond and her whip, leaving the other stones. The ruby had already been used, but the sapphire, emerald, and pearl lied there, neglected. The witch felt regret, to see the powerful objects, unused against the meddling boy whom she so despised.

     Morgana entered Merlin's cell to find the servant staring at the bars of his cell, waiting for her.

     He looked up at the witch, expectantly. "Hello, Morgana. You have Arthur, now, I see."

     The witch tilted her head quizzically.

     "A loyal servant can always sense his master." Merlin had put a spell on Arthur years ago, so that he knew when Arthur was nearby.

     Morgana seemed at a loss for words, but she quickly regained her facade. "Are you ready to experience pain beyond your imagination, Merlin?"

     "Sure," he responded, "I guess."

     Morgana leaned down to face the boy. "Just remember," she whispered, menacingly, "to try to be quiet, we wouldn't want to wake up Arthur this early in the Wishful Thinking spell." The witch was just trying to intimidate Merlin; no amount of noise could disturb her spell.

     "I don't plan on it."

     Morgana thrust the point of the stone into the boy's forehead.

     Everything was empty and Merlin was tired, very tired. It was just nothingness. Everything hurt, but not with pain. He couldn't feel pain. This nothingness went on for what seemed like years. Suddenly, everything returned, and felt like he was experiencing the most extreme hangover ever, multiplied by a thousand. Then, the pain of a thousand knives penetrated Merlin from all angles, along with the feeling of water, filling his lungs. He couldn't breath, he couldn't scream. It was terrible.

     The nothingness returned, and Merlin no longer felt the pain. His brain commanded his lungs to breath, but he couldn't feel the air passing through. Suddenly, the pain came back, but all his other senses were still gone.

     Then, Arthur appeared. He was crying. He clutched his throat as if she was choking.

     "Merlin," the King begged. He fell to the ground.

     His pupils dilated until his eyes were all black. Black fluid poured out of his mouth and eyes, and his flesh began rotting, as if he were a walking corpse.

     "Why?" Arthur cried.

     "I'm sorry," Merlin said, over and over again. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he sobbed.

     Back to nothingness. Then, one by one, Merlin's worst memories began playing in front of him like pieces of Shakespeare's works, without any plot and glued together by a curtain of nothingness.

     The same scene repeated with everyone he had ever loved: his mother, Balinor, Freya, Will, Gwen, the knights. 

     Finally, Merlin screamed. He screamed until it wasn't possible to keep screaming. He heard something that sounded as if glass had shattered, but he didn't care. He felt the Earth shake, but it didn't matter. He saw a figure fly backwards through the air, but he didn't process it. He kept screaming until his lungs gave out. Then, the warlock collapsed.

Wishful Thinking - Merlin [Under Construction]Where stories live. Discover now