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Lennox did, in fact, wake me up so I could get to work on time but he lazily stayed in my bed as I got ready to go. I took my hair down and pulled a hat on top of it when I brushed my teeth. My roommate just watched from my bed as I began my make up routine.

"Riddle me this," he piped up. "Your reproductive organs are actually waging war against your body right now and you're concerned with your make up, why again?"

"Because my parents taught me, 'no matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and, above all, don't give up.'"

"Deep," he commented.

"Yeah, I think they got it from a pillow at Pier 1 and they've just been repeating it ever since," I added nonchalantly as I left the bedroom to grab shoes and the rest of my belongings.

Lennox let out a soft chuckle and playful scoff at my confessions.

"I'm still mad at you," I added before I could forget.

"Wouldn't have it any other way-- you wouldn't be you if you weren't. How do you feel about fish for dinner?" He continued, not paying me any mind.

"Don't care," I said casually as I checked the time on my phone before I began walking out of my room. "See ya!" I called out over my shoulder as I left the apartment. 

The autumn air hit my face and even with a jacket, the breeze left me with a chill. October was in the air.

Mosh had already started collecting inventory when I got to The Cellar so I went ahead and started to take everything off the back counters so I could clean them. Because he had beaten me, Mosh's playlist was on the speakers providing background noise to the football game that was on the TV. A few people were hanging out but they didn't need any tending to and didn't require us to walk around. Unsteady by The X Ambassadors was the soundtrack to my scrubbing the wood shelves.

"Mosh: question," I said as he walked around with a pad and pen, writing down numbers and moving boxes.

"What's your Kardashian name?" I asked.

"My what?" He responded, unsure of what I meant.

"Your Kardashian name-- basically, pick your name but it has to begin with the letter 'K.'"I explained.

"Where do you come up with this?" He countered. "Do you just have a book?"

"My head. Now, come on. Pick a name." I urged him.

"I don't know-- I guess Kaleo," he answered.


"Because their song's on now," he chuckled as used his pen to point to the air, where the speakers in the ceiling were playing a new song.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, "Lame."

Mosh gave me a grin. "How's the roommate? You guys seemed to be getting on better when you two where here the other night." Mosh usually heard the bulk of the stories of the goings-on of Apartment C. We worked together the most so he was most up-to-date on everything: the rants about Lennox, the wars with Lennox, and the stand-up comedy jokes on Lennox.

I shrugged as I began putting the bottles back to their original arrangement. "I'm surprised you of all people noticed with the game you had going on back here," I started. "But things have been Ok. He said something last night that irked me but, outside of that, it's fine."

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