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I texted Mosh in the morning to see how he was holding and recovering. I also wanted to know if he'd be in later to work. Also wanted to know about him and Tara and that being a thing— he never mentioned that they were getting close on that level! I see you, Mosh. Okurrr!

I sent him a playful text around 11:30 AM: So that kiss though 👀👀👀

He sent me a set of eye roll emojis, saying he'd fill me in at work this afternoon. Guess I'd have to wait to have my questions answered.

I got out of bed and took a shower. I put my hair in a loose side braid and pinned it up so I wouldn't get it wet or get toothpaste in it as I brushed me teeth— something I've done before.

When I was done, I called my mom to see what Thanksgiving plans looked like. I promised Lennox I'd ask and now was as good a time as any. I tied my bathrobe around my body and unpinned my side braid. It didn't look that terrible— it would be fine for the day.

"Hey, Quinnie the Pooh," my mom greeted me. "How's school?"

"School is fine. I have to go to work soon but I wanted to know what you were doing for Thanksgiving. A friend invited me to spend Thanksgiving with them but I didn't want to leave you all by your lonesome."

"Oh, that's fine! Go for it! Have fun!" My mom answered.

"Are you sure?" I tried again.

"Yes, of course! Lori-Ann, Tyra, Paula, and I were thinking about going on a cruise, but I didn't put down a deposit. I told them that you might be coming home for the holiday so I might have to miss. So this works out, but do not make plans for Christmas. Your father will be home and we are spending it together."

"Yes, ma'am," I answered. My drawl was coming out after talking to my mother.

"Now go get ready for work. I hope you're not working too many hours and you are focusing on your studies. I want you to do well. I understand that you want to be a comedienne and I support you 100% but school comes first," Mom lectured. I sat at the edge of my bed at some point during her speech.

"Yes, yes, I know. I only work in weekends and it's a work-study so they're super flexible about exams and midterms. Ok? I'm fine, but I'm gonna go now."

"Okay... bye," Mom said as she hung up the phone.

"Bye Mom," I replied, hanging up as well.

"How's Mom?" Lennox asked from my doorway.

"She's good. She and her friends are going on a cruise for Thanksgiving so if the offer is still up, I'd love to come to your place for the holiday."

"Sweet," Lennox said, stepping into my room sheepishly. His hands were in his pocket and he was looking down at the ground as he came forward.

"Yes?" I asked cautiously.

Lennox stopped in front of me and grabbed my hand pulling me up him. He wrapped his arms around my body in a hug. I was confused to say the least as my arms just dangled by my side.

"Lennox?" I tried again.

"Shh, shh, shh," he shushed me. "Just hug me please."

I hesitantly brought my hands up his back. Wow, he had toned muscles back there that I didn't even realize existed. Did he shower this morning? He smelled like cedar.

Lennox let out an exhale before breaking up our hug.

"Thank you so much," he tried.

"For Thanksgiving? You're welcome. I didn't realize you care so much about that."

"What? No, I don't. I don't care about that all," he started dismissively. "I just want to thank you for checking in on me yesterday. You inspired me and because of you, I got laid last night and it was the best I've ever had in my life. Her boobs were a little small for my taste but you—," he said motioning toward my chest. "You just fixed that for me."

I looked at him in pure shock. I blinked my eyes hoping they would start shootings laser beams at him.

"I'm not wearing a bra right now," I thought aloud.

"I know," he whispered with a chuckle. His grin spread as he licked his lips and eyes ran over my body.

"Get out." It came out more calmly that I wanted but I couldn't manage anything else.

"You can cop a feel if you need. My body is yours for the taking. I can tell Isaiah doesn't put out," he joked.

"I will murder you," I said as I stepped towards him.

Lennox backed away quickly. "All right, Quinn. Fine, 'safe word.' I'm leaving but—"

"Out," I said, crossing the room and pushing him through the door. I closed my door behind him.

"You know our rooms are connected by the bathroom!" He called out.

He was smart and he didn't have a death wish. He didn't even attempt to come back through the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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