All right, nothing to worry about, the food wasn't poisoned and my drink wasn't spiked that morning Lennox called a truce. He legitimately was raising the white flag which worked out well for me. Anyway, the week flown by pretty quickly because the it was the Back-To-School Bash. It was crazy! I had moved in just Tuesday of that week. Lennox and Baby had their fun Thursday night and now the day of the party was here.
The BTS Bash apparently is a Freemont University tradition. The bash is held every year, the Saturday before the university officially opens. At this point, everyone has already moved in and, generally, only the cool freshman attend. The more reserved or nerdy ones are worried about orientation and live in the fear of getting kicked out of school before school actually begins. Technically, you can't get kicked out of school before it starts but moreover, this is also like trespassing on private property and even destruction of property. The thing about it is... nobody cares. Literally, no one cares. The university sent out an email that was basically like, "We know what you guys are going to do this weekend, so be careful. We expect to see you in class on Monday so sleep off your hangover and get your lives together. Sincerely, Freemont U."
At that point, I decided that I was going to have fun and things would be awesome. The way I see it: this year is going to suck with Lennox so I might as well get my liver prepared now for the amount of drinking I'm going to have to do this term in order to deal with him. I stepped out of my apartment in my little black dress with a sheer beige button-down to complement my skin tone. One four-inch heel clicked as the other clacked on the sidewalk behind me as I strutted to the The Cellar. I had no idea who anyone was and, I probably wouldn't remember them tomorrow anyway, but who am I to turn down extra-curricular activities?
Now, guys, I know this makes me sound easy, cheesy, and sleazy; I'm not. I'm a good girl. I just like to have fun and, besides, everything is fine in moderation. Going to The Cellar was easier this time since I had already gone before, but I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't use the crowd of people as a cue for turning left or right occasionally. I walked up to the place and it looked good!
Holiday lights were strung across the ceiling, delicately hanging. Others were taped around the walk providing ambient lighting. A lot of the lightbulbs had been replaced with party bulbs of varying colors while the lights on the stage had flashing bulbs. People were everywhere with two corners containing kegs and a table that contained a punch bowl with, what I assumed was, a jungle juice of some form. Not to mention, the bar was still open for those who wanted a mixed drink and a classier time. The explicit version of Talking Body by Tove Lo was blaring through the speakers and I found myself singing along as I made my way to the punch bowl and grabbed a drink. I cautiously took a sip as I scouted the room just taking in the scenery.
I saw Mosh across and gave a wave. He raised his beer bottle in acknowledgement and waved me over to his circle of friends. I took a couple big gulps of the punch to relieve all pressure and loosen all inhibitions as I walked over to the group of fellow incipient alcoholics.
I know this sounds weird. I'm a comedienne. I perform on stage in front of hundreds of people. I have thousands of fans all over the world yet I need liquid courage to talk to six twenty-something year-olds. My answer is: yes to all of the above. When I'm performing, I'm a completely different person and the crowds feel like long-time friends I'm telling a story to because the distance kept us apart. That's MJ.
Quinn is different. She's fun but horrible at first impressions. She tries a bit too hard and always comes off a little weird when she first meets people. Quinn has a tendency to say things without realizing that not everyone knows what she's talking about, that not everyone is like MJ's crowd, like MJ's long lost friends.
Nonetheless, I braved the group of collegians and went towards Mosh.
"Hey, Quinn!" He screamed which sounded like a reasonable volume amidst the noise.

Lennox. Me. & Apartment C.
Teen Fiction|in which a visiting student finds herself rooming with the campus's most infuriating and eligible bachelor| • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •...