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Ok, so I obviously didn't die but still that guy was hotter than wearing an all-black outfit in the summer sun and he. Made. Me. Swoon. After Isaiah asked me for a pen, Mondays and Thursdays became so much better and I couldn't help but make sure that I put a little bit more effort into how I looked those days. Yes, yes, it's awful to try to look good to impress a guy (#Feminism and all that drama) but, as childish as this is about to sound: I wanted him to notice me! I went to a Southern, all-girls Catholic boarding school so I did not have the luxury of having someone flounce onto my bae-dar just because we both had the same class. Yeah, I could have joined extra curricular activities and got out of my house more but snagging a guy then would become a chore on a to-do list that I could check off and then the relationship wouldn't feel natural and comfortable. It would feel like what it was: I went out of my way looking for the guy.

Regardless, Mondays and Thursdays were always good days, even when I tried to act all chill and pretend I was so tired and I just casually woke up looking as good as I looked that day. One Thursday, in class, Delia tried to FaceTime me but I couldn't because I was obviously in class and my phone was on silent. So when class was over and I was heading back to my apartment for lunch, I called her back so we could chat on the commute.

"Hey, love!" Delia greeted me warmly with a huge smile and a wave. She looked like she was at home because of the white wall set as a backdrop behind her. I, on the other hand, probably looked weird to her and other people as I held my phone up to try to video chat and walk at the same time.

"Hey, Dee," I greeted with a smile. "How are you? How's Sebastian? Is he feeling better?"

"Yeah," she responded. "He had bronchitis but he's all good now, but let's not pretend I called to talk about him. How are you? How's the new school? How's the new roommate? Is she super weird? She has a cool name though! Lennox, right? Have you made new friends to replace me yet?"

"Whoa, slow down," I laughed out a bit as I held the phone and kept walking towards Hamilton. "I'm fine and things are going shockingly well. I didn't answer the phone because I was in class and ohmygoshlemmetellyou! There is this super cute guy in my class. His name is Isaiah and words cannot even begin to describe this guy."

"Seriously? What's his name? Can I Facebook stalk him?"

My eyes grew wide as a huge grin stretched across my face. "No! I'm not going to give you permission to stalk but if you do—I mean—I can't stop."

Delia had a huge smile and bobbed her head, "I feel you. So have you talked to him at least?"

"A little bit," I admit sheepishly. "He asked to borrow my pen on the first day and we'll have small talk before class in the morning but it's never anything past 'How are you?'"

"Ok, so you have to keep me updated on Isaiah! Besides him, anyone else I need to know about?"

I shook my head wildly as I continued trudging along before rethinking back to my many conversations with Mosh. Since the bash, we had been texting a lot, nearly every day including the days we actually work together. "Well, wait," I started. "There is this other guy, Mosh. I think he might be a little partial to me but he's not like a potential anything. He works at The Cellar—that's the comedy club—with me. He's super nice and super funny, but I just don't see us being a thing, not in the foreseeable future."

"Ok, so that's Mosh and Isaiah," Delia recapped. "Besides them, have you made any friends?"

"Sort of, I think," I started as I passed through the gate to get to my apartment. It was off campus but still university-owned. "There was this huge party at the beginning of the year and I went and it was really fun! When I was there, I hung out with Mosh and his friends but they're all super chill. There's Greg, Silas, Mimi, and Tara. I think Tara has a crush on Mosh and he's so oblivious though. I don't really know her to well but they look cute together."

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