A couple days passed and things seemed to be going relatively peaceful with my new roommate until I woke up to the sound of moaning through the walls. Lennox and I had established some rule that night I walked in on him and his companion and right now, he was breaking Rule No. 1:
Hookups must never be heard.
Now, I'm not one to rain on anyone's good time or college experience and whatnot but, at the same time, it's understandable that I don't want to hear who he's experiencing. Consequences for the rules were never discussed so, technically, I could inflict whatever kind of punishment I wanted. However, hind sight is always 20/20 and I can admit that maybe I did go a bit overboard.
It was 3 o'clock in the morning and though it was the weekend, my very loving roommate was definitely crossing some boundaries. I could hear the music, the moaning, and some barely English affirmations as I lay in my room, staring at the ceiling, wide awake, in horror. I don't really know what happened, or came over, but I found myself calmly getting up and going to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed the container of sweet tea I had made before setting it on the bar behind me before I went to grab a Mason jar from the cupboard. That was stereotypically Southern, I know, but sweet tea is always better in a Mason jar. I poured the tea and brought the glass to my lips as I stood at the edge of the counter, between the fridge and the bar. I looked down, past my baggy white V-neck t-shirt and sleeping boxers to my painted toenails and bare feet. I just started down in defeat, taking everything in and processing what was happening around me.
I brought my eyes back up, in the direction of our bedrooms in utter disbelief. We were barely into the school year! If tonight were any indication of how the remainder of the year was going to go, then I had a problem and Lennox had another thing coming. I finished my tea and went to put it in the dishwasher further in the kitchen so it could be cleaned. I stopped after I leaned back up from the dishwasher and stared at what was in front of me: a gas stove.
I heard whoever "Baby" was moan again. Figures he would call her some sort of cute pet name-- it's so he doesn't have to do the work to remember her real name at all. Anyway, I grabbed a toothpick from another cabinet and headed over to the stove. Igniting the fire, I brought the toothpick to the flame and lit it. I quickly blew it out before climbing on top of the counter, raising the smoking wood to the smoke detector.
Now, I know a toothpick is not going to generate enough smoke to warrant the detector going off. That's why it took me a few tries but when it finally sounded, the sight was glorious. Oh, and I mean glorious. I quickly hopped off the counter and threw the toothpick away and stood in the middle of the kitchen to watch the scene unfold. There was no way Lennox would even notice me calmly standing there without any remnants of a fire behind me. I figured he would be in too much of rush to leave and I figured right.
Baby ran out of his room first. She looked Latina as well with long, dark hair and an olive complexion. She had managed to put her underclothes on but ran with the rest of her garments out of the apartment-- barefoot and all. A couple seconds later, Lennox ran out too. He was screaming, "Fire, Quinn, Fire!" He had not taken notice of me standing the middle of the kitchen though as he sprinted past in his boxers. It looked as if he had some form of clothing in his hand, a t-shirt maybe, as he ran out of the apartment behind Baby.
The front door was left open so I casually went to close it behind them as I heard their retreating footsteps. I thought about locking the door but figured that would be too mean, especially since Lennox's evening has already been eventful. Deciding simply to shut the door, I went back to my room and crawled into bed. I fell asleep nearly instantly.
When I awoke the following morning, somehow the smell of pancakes and bacon wafted into my bedroom, luring me out of my cave. I threw on a hoodie to cover up the fact that I wasn't wearing a bra and blindly shuffled towards the scent. I wasn't expecting Lennox to share his breakfast with me after the stunt I pulled the night before but the smell did encourage me to get up and make myself a cup of coffee.
I walked into the open living room across from the kitchen and was surprised to see Lennox putting the finish touches in two plates of food. He stood shirtless in the kitchen with a dishrag tossed over his shoulder and a soft smile danced on his lips. "Hey," he greeted me, "just in time! I made breakfast."
"Morning," I started cautiously, suspiciously eying the food over before venturing further into the kitchen. "Thanks, I was just going to get coffee."
"I'll grab it for you; sit. Eat." He motioned towards the bar where two plates sat each with two pancakes and two strips of bacon.
I retreated to a seat behind a plate and sat as he instructed. I didn't dare pick up my form though. He was handling this way too well.
"Cream and sugar?" Lennox piped up over his shoulder as he poured the coffee.
"Yeah, thanks," I answered as I watched him make the drink. He brought the mug over to me when he was done. When he was closer, standing on the other side of the bar, I noticed how toned he was-- not muscular, toned. He wasn't super scrawny and lanky nor was he completely ripped and bulging. He was a good, happy medium.
"Eat," he said as he slid the other plate across the bar so he was standing and eating.
I remained motionless.
"I didn't do anything to it, Quinn." He said, dropping his fork. "It's a peace offering. I'm calling a truce."
"Excuse me?" I said, taking a sip of sanity.
"I know I haven't been the easiest person to deal with-- you know with all my conquests," he started as I rolled my eyes. "But, I get why you tripped the alarm last night and I'm sorry and I'm going to try to be a better roommate." He said as he picked up his form again and began cutting into his pancake.
I eyed the plate in front of me, wary of whether or not a laxative was cooked into the pancake. I picked up a slice of bacon off of my plate and brought it up to my mouth. If he wants peace, then I can work towards peace. If this is all a trick and he wants war, then Hell hath no fury.

Lennox. Me. & Apartment C.
Teen Fiction|in which a visiting student finds herself rooming with the campus's most infuriating and eligible bachelor| • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •...