Chapter 11

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Okay, so first of all, my dear readers, WAY TO GO! This is the first time I've had to update twice in a week! Please read slower, I'm only two chapters ahead on writing it, you guys are giving me a heart attack! Okay, now ENJOY:

Chapter 11

Five hands later, I was sitting in my camisole and shorts with one earring in and one shoe on. Thankfully, I had some skill in poker.

“I raise you two chips.” Zayn said, throwing two chips in the pot. Natalie glared at him wickedly, and I looked around the group, we were pretty misshappen. Liam sat without a shirt on, with his jeans and also with one sock and shoe on. Zayn was the master, he only had lost both of his earrings, which he insisted we’re manly earrings. Louis was the dealer, so he didn’t have to take anything off, but he took off his shirt to make the other lads feel better. Maria and Natalie both had agreed to play, but none of the guys had the heart to make them take off anything. I’m sure I would stop after I’d taken off a certain amount. Natalie ended up winning the hand.

About five more hands later, I had won three hands, leaving me with no shoes on. But now all the boys were shirtless, and were pretty much flawless, and most of them were shoeless too. Maria had laughed heartily when it Zayn had lost the hand, and had to take off his shirt, he had some pretty cool tattoos.

“Can’t we play something more interesting?” Maria whined, leaning against Zayn. We all laughed, while Natalie and I nodded. More than anything, Natalie looked tired, and shockingly enough I had been too. As sad as I was to admit it, my perfect day was coming to an end.

“Why don’t we go to sleep? I can honestly say I won’t be a very happy person if I have to wake up at a decent time tomorrow after a day like today.” Natalie said, I shot her a grateful glance.

“Besides, guys, we need to buy a whole bunch of fireworks, and from personal experience, Natalie and gunpowder plus her being tired is not a good thing.” Maria laughed, I remembered that year. It was two years ago, we’d all stayed up very late, dispite her protests and then the next day shot off a whole bunch of fireworks, and she had accident where some of the fireworks were knocked over and shot at Maria. Not a good day.

“Do we even want to know?” Liam laughed. All three of us shook our heads no really quickly.

“Well, I don’t see any harm in sleep.” Zayn said and we all laughed, this boy had slept in until about 1 in the afternoon today!

“Okay, then it is settled! We go to sleep now, then tomorrow we can get up and these girls can show us the good old tradition of buying explosives!” Louis said, It was a little frightening the way he said Explosives, and how his right eye twitched slightly.

“Sounds good boo bear.” Harry said and leaned against him, we all laughed when Louis wrapped his arms around Harry. So we all abandoned the card game on the floor, grabbing our various clothing items and went up stairs. We all said goodnight and split into our separate rooms, I changed into a pair of cotton shorts and an old tank top. I turned down my sheets, and snuggled down inside my bed, I thought about what had happened today, it was crazy.

And then to mention, the fact that I was in the same house as the boy who I had confessed love to. Maybe the rational part of my brain was just shut down when I was with them, and maybe that was a good thing.

Natalie and Niall were getting along well, in an adorable way. Zayn and Maria were so into each other, practically attached to each other at the lips too! But Harry and I? I guess I had in him the relationship I’d always wanted, someone to quote Romeo and Juliet back and forth with, I hadn’t known him long enough, but I had figured he would be the kind of boy to wake up early to get you flowers for you to wake up too. Like a boy from a bollywood movie, which I have watched far to many of in my life.

These were the thoughts that carried me into sleep that was not frequented by nightmares.


Okay, I love you all but seriously?! With the whole, I say I update every fifty reads which usually takes about a week and a half, but only two days! You guys are going to give me a heart attack! Okay, well, I gotta go work on the next three chapters, so remember to vote, comment, eat a carrot, read a book, also, go back to the first chapter and read the person who I dedicated this to's stories, they are sooooo good! Okay, thanks a ton!

Lots of love to my 300 readers <3,


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