Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I woke to a seranade.

“Good Morning Beautiful, how was your night?” Harry sung. I sat up, I’m sure I looked like hell, nothing good about my face about whatsoever. But none the less, I threw my arms around him and pulled him close. Mostly because I’d had a nightmare last night, but also because the rational part of my brain, was still asleep. I’d almost fallen asleep again, just sitting there with his arms around me. And then, I smelled the bacon.

“Who is cooking?” I asked, sleepily, pulling myself away from Harry. He looked perfect as usual, and I was sure I looked like the thing from the swamp.

“Niall most likely.” He said, smiling. “You talk in your sleep, you know that right?”

“How long were you in here?!” I asked, horrified. But yes, I did  know that I talked in my sleep, especially when I had nightmares.

“Oh, I just came in, I could hear you all night. I had to check on you once because you started to shout at someone.” I blushed and looked down, thinking of him coming in nothing but boxers to check on me. I liked the image, but it was embarrassing enough to make me blush.

“Oh,” I laughed quietly. “I must look like hell, where is the bathroom?” I asked. Down the hall and to the left. I saw the room and flinched when I saw myself in the mirror. My hair resembled cotton candy and my eyes were a hectic red. I closed the door as Harry walked by, and locked it. I flicked on the shower and got in. I scrubbed my hair with their shampoo and got out, putting on my old clothes and braiding my hair back and walking out of the bathroom to the food in the kitchen. And when I saw Harry and Niall eating whole heartedly I laughed.

“And sleeping beauty is awake. Good Morning.” Harry said, I smiled and stroked my braid while looking down at my feet.

“And the two princes are eating, what a shock.” I laughed, leaning on the counter watching them scarf down the food. I was so excited to see Natalie today, she had left to visit her sister in Costa Rica. And was going to come back all tan and pretty. I was sure at least one of the boys was going to fall for her.

“So, what are we doing today?” Harry asked when a satisfying amount of his plate had been left bare.

“I need one of you guys to drive me to the airport, my friend Natalie is coming home today. And I need to stop by my apartment and get fresh clothes for Maria and I.” I said, smiling, meeting Harry’s hazel eyes evenly.

“I’ll drive you!” Niall said, his mouth still full of food. I laughed then told him I had to grab something up stairs and he said that he should be ready by then, making me and Harry laugh, and I sprinted up the stairs. I hadn’t seen Maria all day, and I was sure she was asleep, she could sleep forever. I went into my room and grabbed my tote,  I glanced in the mirror, I looked way too happy to have just woke up. I looked around my room again, One wall was made entirely of glass. And beyond it, was a short balcony. I opened the glass door and took a couple steps on the balcony. The air tasted of wood, something I remembered from my childhood. I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around to see Harry standing in my doorway.

“Can I come in?” He said, and I nodded, he joined me out on the balcony.

“You guys have a beautiful house.” I said, looking out to the trees. The green in the forest calmed my racing heart as Harry took my hand.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you to the Airport?” He asked, looking into my eyes. I thought about all that had happened since I met them a few days ago. I was scared to feel what I did for this boy, I’d just met him, this was as irrational as Romeo and Juliet, including the Balcony!

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