Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

In the end we sat in that cave until dark. Quoting Romeo and Juliet back at each other, dancing to CD’s he had brought, and just talking. It was like time didn’t exist, that was until we heard Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn calling for us.

“Miranda!” Niall’s voice called, and Zayn echoed it.

“Harry!” I heard Liam shout. Harry and I met each others eyes, this perfect day had come to an end.

“Come on, love, lets go before they get any more worried.” He got up from where we had sat down and turned off the stereo, and walked around the shallow cave blowing out the candles. I just wrapped my arms around my knees. While talking to him, I had found out that his full name was Harold Edward Styles. He was here on vacation with his best friends, who were all Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, and Zayn Malik. They didn’t know when they were going back, but they wanted to make the best of it. We had agreed on becoming exclusive. I was dating Harry Styles.

“Harry!” Louis was close, I could tell by how loud his voice was, Harry walked over and offered a hand to lift me up.

“Come on, lets go, I’m sure Maria and Natalie want to hear the news.” He grinned at me, my heart jumped to lightspeed. I took his hand and together we walked out into the forest.

“Louis! Liam! Niall! Zayn! We’re right here!” Harry called, hurting my ear drums almost as much as the green light from the forest hurt my eyes. We walked forward a few steps, and then Louis came over the horizon, slamming into Harry with a hug, tearing our hands apart.

“Don’t ever do that! I thought you had gotten lost!” He said, still hugging him. I laughed at their bromance, but then, Liam, Zayn and Niall joined the hug. Liam stuck an arm out and dragged me in. We were all laughing, so hard in fact that we all just fell over.

“I love America.” Niall laughed, all the other boys agreed, we just laid there staring up at the darkening sky.

“You know boys, I think I have an Idea of what we could do tomorrow, seeing as tomorrow is July 3rd, I think we should go buy fireworks, even if you aren’t American, we will simply have to celebrate!” I laughed, Imagining these five boys with fireworks was slightly frightening.

“I think my girlfriend just had a brilliant idea!” Harry said, our hands had found each other and he squeezed my palm. Liam bolted up.

“Your girlfriend?” He asked, then he laughed, because Zayn’s foot was on top of his head, Niall’s arm  was on his foot, and Louis head was on his legs.

“Yup.” I said, popping the p. I sighed, life had gotten too perfect.

“Speaking of Girlfriends, we better get back to the house, Maria and Natalie will be worried soon.” Zayn said, I slapped myself on the head, how could I have forgotten about my best friends?

“Yeah, and then we can eat!” Niall said, making us all laugh. We untangled ourselves and walked back to the house, Harry and I were hand in hand as we walked back the way we came to guided by the light of the house.

“Oh my God, Miranda! Don’t ever do that to me again! I was so worried about you!” Maria shouted when we came in, hugging me, Natalie did the same.

“I’m fine, I’m fine.” I smiled at them. Harry had gone with Louis and Liam to go get us food, leaving Zayn and Niall here. They had already gone down stairs to finish a ping pong tournement.

“You seem more than fine, what happened?” Natalie asked, we all walked into the living room, Maria kept her eyes on me as she put in a movie, waiting for an explanation.

“Harry and I are Exclusive!” I shouted. It was a good thing that she had already gotten the disk into the machine, because she dropped the case on the ground. Me, her and Natalie all squealed at once, and we started jumping around in circles.

“Serioiusly? What happened? You guys were gone for so long!” Maria said, she had totally abandoned the dvd, and now we all sat on the hardwood floor in a circle like we did when we were much younger.

“Well, we went to this cave place not far from here, and he had candles lit everywhere, and a stereo was playing I Cross My Heart by George Strait, and we danced and then he pretty much asked me if I would do him the honor of being his girlfriend.” I left out the part about us loving each other, first because that was detail I wanted to keep to myself, and secondly because I didn’t want to admit it to anyone but him yet.

“Oh my goodness that is so Romantic!” Natalie said, both of my friends hugged me.

“I know! And guess what I suggested we do tomorrow? I say that we all go buy some fireworks! We could all to the usual place.” I smiled, they both knew what the usual place was, it was a large empty parking lot we all used to sneak out too in high school. It was just there, and no one used it but us on the holiday.

“Yes! That is genius, although, the idea of Louis and fireworks kind of worries me.” Maria said, and we all laughed.

“It will be worlds of fun! Too bad James is in California, and Bryan has already left for Texas.” We all sighed, a lot of our friends had already left to go to their apartments in their new cities. It was saddening, but also very exciting.

“And then sometime soon we will have to go to Oaks Park. It would be tons of fun!” Natalie said, we all laughed, “So, what movie are we watching?”

“What other movie do we always watch?” Maria asked, getting up and walking across the room to retrieve the disk case. “Mean Girls!” We all squealed, laughed, and collapsed. It was just like old times, except in a nicer house. We all jumped onto one couch and sprawled out over each other. I don’t know who fell asleep first, I think Natalie, from the time change, but the next thing I remember is waking up when Harry, Louis and Liam walked in with the pizza, and  we all woke up to Niall screaming ‘food’ and running very loudly through the house.

“Niall be quiet.” I almost growled when he had plopped down on the other couch with a plate of pizza. Natalie, Maria and I all walked to the kitchen and grabbed food and went to sit back down in the living room. Maria sat down next to Zayn and snuggled with him. It was adorable. I sat in between Harry and Natalie. We all watched the rest of Mean Girls, laughing at all the right parts, and occasionally going back to the kitchen to either put up our plates or get more food. After the movie finished, I had nearly fallen asleep.

“Strip Poker! House Rules!” Louis shouted. We all groaned. But he lept up and got a deck of cards out. I counted everything I was wearing, shorts, camisole, shirt, two earings, one necklace, socks shoes, and undergarments. That was 12 hands I could loose before the unthinkable happened.


Hello my lovelies! How are you doing today? Whoa, its almost midnight, and I'm on wattpad, tumblr, and twitter! I hoped you liked this chapter, it was kind of filler. So I don't think its very good, but next chapter, is strip poker! Woo-hoo! Thank you all for getting me to 250 reads, so don't forget to vote, comment, eat a carrot, drink some yorkshire tea, eat a reduced sandwich, sing loudly and off key-ly 'NOTHINGS FINE I'M TORN!' And enjoy the rest of your weekend,

Yours sincerely,


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