Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It had been a Timbers Night. That was for sure. And the boys had dropped me and Maria off at my front porch. It was a miracle my GMC had just enough space for all of us. When I asked how they were going to get home, they waved it off. Avoiding the question. They commandeered my phone, adding all their numbers to it. They did the same to Maria. And then once they were gone. Maria and I raced up to my room, to see them walking down the street. We stayed up then over half the night talking about the mysterious British boys who’d we just met. We woke up at noon the next day. Our phones alight, with 5 names. Hazza, Tommo, Zayny Boy, Niallers and, Li-Li. I almost threw my phone at the wall to avoid getting up. When finally, I received a call from ‘Hazza’. I did actually throw my phone onto the floor.

“Miranda, why are they spamming  us?” Maria asked sleepily as she turned her phone off.

“To hell if I know.” I said just as tired. Eventually we woke up. And dared to look at our phones. 50 messages. and 10 voice mails. Good god, do they ever rest? And Maria had more than me!

“We should call at least one of them.” She said, trying to be nice. I didn’t really want to call them, I wasn’t good at phone calls, me being the socially awkward girl I was.

“Well, after we get dressed and ready, were going shopping!” I smiled, today was our monthly Pioneer Place Picking day. The best time of the month, which was usually right before the worse time of the month. We pulled on our clothes. I was wearing a jean shorts, a white cami, and a poncho over it that had love spelled out on it in sequins, and I wore a pair of white flats with roses on them. Maria wore jean shorts and a white shirt that had rainbow sequins on it, with a pair of converse. We sat down at the table.

“Who should we call?” Maria asked. As we stared at our two phones which were still getting messages.

“Harry, or Liam, or Zayn, or Louis, or Niall. Just a suggestion.” I said sarcastically.

“No really? I think we should look to see who called us the most and go with that.” She said, darn her for being so smart.

“Great idea.” We snatched our phones and started scrolling through the calls. For me it was a tie between ‘Hazza’ and ‘Li-Li’ 15 calls for both. And the rest fell somewhere between 5 and 10.

“Harry and Liam called me the most, how about you?” I asked, marking all my messages as read. Listening to all my voice mail. My favorite one was:

“Good Morning Beautiful, how was your night? Call me when you can Love.” It was Harry. Though my phone messed up his voice, I could still tell he was a pretty good singer.

“Zayn, no shock there. Followed up by Niall, and then Louis, and then Liam, and then Harry.”  She laughed, no doubtingly looking at her messages.

“Pick a number between one and ten.” I said, I divided them all up. Liam got 1 and 4. Harry got 3 and 7. Zayn got 6 and 10. Louis got 2 and 9. Niall got 5 and 8.

“Why?” She asked, her eyebrows arched in confusion.

“Well, there is 5 of them. They each get two numbers. Now, just pick one Maria, or you’ll call Zayn on your phone!” She blushed deeply. And just like that, I knew that my friend had feelings for him. Or was starting to have anyways.

“Alright alright, fine. Hmm... I pick 7.” Damn.

“Pick another number?” I said while grinning sheepishly. I didn’t want to call Harry. I was awkward with phones, It just wasn’t a great idea for me to call him if I wanted him to think I was all that and a bag of chips. Which I wasn’t but I’d be nice to be.

“Who did I pick?” She asked, and when I looked away, she elbowed me.

“You picked Harry.” I mumbled. I felt the blood rush up to my cheeks. God. What was wrong with me? I was usually the rational type, and I’d just met the guy last night! At a soccer game no less!

“I picked who?” My friend laughed triumphantly.

“Harry.” I said plain out this time. She laughed again and pointed to my phone. And went to the kitchen. Mean while, I stared at my phone like it was the spawn of the devil. She came back with a bowl of popcorn and two cans of soda. I glared at her.

“Go on. We mustn’t keep the British waiting.” She said then shoved a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

“Is that really necessary?” I asked as I clicked the call button.

“Yes.” She said through the popcorn. He answered on the second ring.

“Hello, Love.”


Hey guys! Tell me what you think, again! This story is soo much fun to write, and I still need a cover, that is any of you are amazing and willing to make me on! *Harry Styles Eyes* PLEASEEE?!?!?! Ah well, Vote, Comment, Eat a carrot, drink some energy juice, wear a hat, look at reflective surfaces, and above all, stay away from spoons, the damn things are evil!

Yours Truly,


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