~The fluffy feeling in your heart! The birth of Cure Love! Part 1~

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Ah~! What a beautiful day it was today! The sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in sight. The perfect day for a lovely day at school. Ugh....who am I kidding? School sucks! It's been sunny for the past 2 weeks! People think I'm like the protagonist of a slice-of-life anime, but I'm really not. If you really know me, I'm a demon who came from hell, trying to find my way in this world.

I ran really fast to school today and now I'm tired. I leant my arm agains the chair and dropped into it. Megumi~San?" I heard a calm voice say. "Are you ok?" I looked up to see a girl with dark blue hair and brown eyes. She's my best friend,  Aoyama Hime, who also happens to be the student council president.

I yawned and nodded

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I yawned and nodded. "Yeah I'm ok. Kyoryokuna ai~..." I said my catchphrase and yawned once more.
"Good because class is about to start!" She said, sitting in the seat next to mine. We sat at the back WHICH SUCKS! When we are writing notes of the board we can barely see!! And there are kids who love the back??? Shesh...


I stretched my arms out and smiled. "What a lovely nap!" I giggled and walked down the hallway with Hime-chan.
Hime was carrying her folders and things. "You know if you keep falling asleep in class, I'll tell your mumma."
I waved my hands and smirked. "What's that gonna do? She did that when she was my age."
"Well maybe I'll get Okasan to tell Aunt-Akane to be a better roll-model for you!" She scoffed.
"Keep telling lies, Hime-chan, but she really doesn't care. My Okasan on the other hand..." I thought what my mum would say to mumma. Probably 'AKANE! I told you to tell her that falling asleep in class is bad! You gotta listen to your Nao!'

"Well I'll tell both of of them!" We turned into the Student Council room. "I'm just worried you'll struggle in High school. That is...if you even make it." She giggled.
I blushed. "O-of course I will!"
"What's the square root of 68?"
"What? Well 5 plus 7...carry the 2...."
"It's 8.2."
"I know that!"

Hime rolled her eyes and put her folders onto the desk and sat in the 'Megumi free zone' chair. "Well ok, smarty pants. Why don't you go to the library and study?"
"Fine! I will!" I poked my tongue out at her and walked to the library. Even though I'm Vice-President, Hime usually does most of the work. She thinks it's fun. Oh well, she is my bestie no matter what!


Soon, I arrived at the library and sighed. I stood at the door and watched kids studying and reading books. I was told that when I was a baby, I loved books and all that jazz but I guess I just grew out of it. Sleep was much better anyways.

Help me-aka!!
I heard a small, weak voice. I looked behind me and saw no one there. I shrugged it off and started to walk inside the library.
Someone! Pretty Cure-aka!
Pretty cure? I've heard my mummas talk about it while they thought I was asleep. I looked back again. Nothing.
I need the Pretty Cure-aka!

I sighed and decided it was just some kids pranking me. I was always the target because I always made puns and jokes. I looked out the window, expecting to see giggling people. "Hardy ha ha. That's so funny!" I frowned at saw no one.
P-pretty cure...save me...-aka...
I looked around and saw a small red light coming from a bush from the back of the school. "Why is there light from there?" I muttered to myself.

Being the curious girl I am, I completely ignored Hime's suggestion of studying and ran out to the back of the school. I kept hearing the small voice get louder and the light shone brighter. Pretty Cure! Help me and my friends-aka!

I reached the back and looked at the red light. It was like I was in a horror movie. Although I was scared, I took a deep breath and started taking light steps towards the mysterious light. Megumi...you know this is a dream so stop it! Still, I got closer.
The legendary warriors...Pretty Cure....save me-aka...
I quietly kneeled down to the bush. The light was as bright as the sun now. What was it?

I swallowed the lump in my throat and began to move the leaves. I put my hand in and felt something...it felt like a bunny? I looked over to what I was touching, shielding my eyes. What I saw was something I have never seen before. "Huh? We haven't studied this in biology class.." I whispered to myself and picked up the weird piglet-like animal.

It had a head about the size of a human hand and a body the size of a capsicum. It had medium pink ears that went down to half its body and a blue bow at the top of its head. It had two light pink hearts on its cheeks and it was wearing what looked like the top of a sailor outfit. It looked like a plushie my parents carry around sometimes.

The weird animal opened its big, dark blue eyes and looked at me. The weird red glow had stopped by now. "P-Precure-aka...?" It said.

"Precure?" I frowned. "What's that?"

"Are you here to save me-aka?"

I narrowed my eyes towards it. Did this piglet just talk? THE PIGLET THING JUST TALKED!!!

 Did this piglet just talk? THE PIGLET THING JUST TALKED!!!

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I screamed in fear and threw it away from me. "G-get away!" The animal sniffed the air and smiled at me.

"I FOUND A PRETTY CURE-AKA!!" It happily yelled. I was getting ready to make my escape until I felt two little what felt like paws grab onto my leg. "You are going to help save my world, Kyandi okoku-aka!"

"Kyandi okoku...?" I had completely forgotten about how strange the situation was and looked at it.

It let go of me and ran up to my lap. "Let's introduce ourselves-aka. My name is Amai, I'm a fairy and I'm the best friend of the Royal Princess, Shinpaku-Sama-aka! My world was recently attacked by the Nikushimi kingdom-aka! Before she was set to slavery into the baddies world, she told me to find the legendary warriors, known as Pretty Cure to help save my world and the human world from complete hatred-aka."

I had calmed down by now. "And I'm one of those warriors huh?" I looked at the ground, still comprehending what the 'fairy' had said.

"By the smell of it-aka." Amai nodded. "So will you help me-aka?"

"Well...if it's gonna help people..sure." I nodded, not wanting to make the fairy sad.

Amai jumped up and down. "Yay-aka! Hooray-aka!" She squealed.

"Hehe...I knew I could find you pesky fairy here. Nanairogaoka middle school, eh?" I looked up and saw a wolf-like creature.

"Wolfrun-Aka!" Amai looked up in fear. Wolfrun? That's another name I have heard my parents say, along with Majorina and Akaoni.

"Precure..." He said, pulling out a thick, black book. "Haven't fought one of those in years.." Then he looked at me. "Better kill the enemies kid first."

YOU: why is wolfrun in this book??? He's not apart of that kingdom..??!! What's this got have to do with Smile Precure?? What??? I don't know Japanese!!!

ME: Woah woah woah. This is just part one of the first chapter!! Megumi is the daughter of Akane and Nao and Hime is the daughter of Reika. I imagine the bad end generals from Smile got sick of being bullied again and since the Bad-End Kingdom was defeated, they joined the Nikushimi kingdom (meaning Hatred Kingdom, loosely). Also if you want me to translate something, just ask! You can ask any question about this book.

I'm only really doing this for my own personal pleasure so yeah. Also the drawings are traced from other Precure screenshots whoops. Also Im to lazy to edit so rip any mistakes.

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