~Kindness and Happiness! Cure Royal makes an appearance! Part 1~

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"Have you heard about that new superhero in town?" Akane, Megumi's mumma asked.

Megumi nodded and nibbled on her toast. "Yeah. She was fighting at school I think."
Nao, Megumi's Okasan, smiled. "Cure Love I think it was?"
Akane leaned on the kitchen table. "How cool. I wish I could be some cool superhero!" Nao giggled at her wife.
"It would be cool. Just imagine us fighting...we would be unstoppable! And of course Megumi will be our comic-relief side-kick!"

we would be unstoppable! And of course Megumi will be our comic-relief side-kick!"

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Dorks... Megumi thought.


At the start of the school day, Hime ran up to her tomboy friend, waving her arms. "Megumi~San!" She smiled and stopped when she reached her.
"Hime?" Megumi asked as she turned around to see an unusually excited Hime Aoyama.
Hime's eyes sparkled. "You know Cure Love, right? And how she was here, at the very school?" Megumi nodded. "Well...There was a real life superhero here! Magical girls are real, Megumi! Do you know what this means!? Do you? Do you? It means that someone at Nanairogaoka Middle School COULD possibly be Cure Love!"

Megumi looked concerned. "Are you ok? You don't usually fangirl over things."

"Well magic is kinda like science right?" Hime shrugged. "And I love learning new things too!"
"Pppft!" Megumi rolled her sparkling green eyes and smirked. "You wanna learn things that only YOU find interesting."
"No." Pouted Hime. "I learn about things that are worth learning about. Not stupid sports or sleeping."

They walked into their class and sat down at their seats at the back of the class. They heard rumours and small talk about Cure Love. Megumi yawned and fell asleep as usual.


Lunch time had rolled around quickly and all the talk was about the new superhero. Megumi heard all the kids talking about her saying things like 'Wow she's so cool!' 'I wonder if she's a student here?' and 'I've never seen a real life Pretty Cure before!'.

"Everyone's lost their minds about all this." The red-head said as she took out her lunch. "I mean what's so great about it?" Hime pulled her hair behind her ear and looked at Megumi.
"Well this is the first Precure seen since KiraKira Precure. They were around when our mothers were our age, Megumi." Hime said, taking a bite from her rice ball.

Megumi shrugged and rolled her eyes. "So basically she's the special."

"Yeah I guess. And also magic is really cool. Great thing to study too." Hime laughed a bit.
"You're in it for the knowledge, as always." Megumi smirked.

"Megumi -aka!" They heard a distance voice say.
Hime looked all around her. "Someone just called your name I think." She said.
"Megumi-aka! This is an emergency-aka!" The voice called again.

Amai... Megumi laughed at stuffed her bento into her pink bag. "Haha. I'll be going now. BYE!" And with a blink of an eye, she was out of sight.
Hime sighed. "Oh Megumi..."

Megumi ran around the corner and made sure no one could see her. Amai suddenly flew down to her from the sky. Megumi lowered to her level. "What do you need at this time?" She whispered, holding the cute fairy in her hands. "I told you to stay in my bedroom for the day."

"It's Akaoni-aka! I can sense him from miles away-aka." Amai cried. "You need to get rid of him-aka!"

Megumi's eyes went wide. "You mean there's more than one villain I have to defeat? Ugh...Anyway, where is this Akaoni dude?"
Amai pointed with her stumpy arm towards the top of the roof at the school building. "There-aka! He's looking for the perfect time to strike-aka!"
Megumi felt a tap on her back. She turned around to see Hime with an unimpressed look of her face.

"Aren't you old enough to come to school without a plush doll?" She asked. Megumi quickly hid Amai behind her back.
"What plushie..!?" Megumi blushed.

Hime sighed

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Hime sighed. "Jeez.." She put her hand to her forehead and frowned. "You are so childish."
"Says the person who was fangirling about magic just before." Megumi teased.
Hime gasped. "Magic is real, Megumi. So of course I would fangirl over it!"

Suddenly, the heard a deep voice from above their heads. "Why hello there..." They looked up to see a red-skinned demon floating above them who was fat and wore cave-men like clothes. "Akaoni..." Megumi whispered to herself. She grabbed Hime's hand and started running. "We need to get away, Hime."

Hime looked back. "B-but this is magic! Real life magic!!" She reached her hand out towards the demon but Megumi just ran faster, with the fairy trembling in her hands. Other kids in the yard had noticed Akaoni and were starting to go inside and hide from him. Megumi pushed Hime inside and ordered her to stay there.
"I'm going back out." Megumi said.
"B-but it's dangerous...and the teachers are calling the cops, Megumi.." Hime sniffled. "And you don't need to learn magic without me anyway.."

Megumi smiled. "I'm just getting our bags, Hime." She turned around and started walking towards Akaoni. Amai was trembling so Megumi held her closer. She heard foot-steps behind her. She turned around and saw Hime walking up to her.
"Megumi." She firmly said. "As student council president, I demand that I will go with you!"
Megumi was shocked. "No..no! You stay back there! I'll be fine I promise!"

Hime continued walking towards their bags and the monster. "Nope. I'm coming with you, idiot."
"No seriously...stay behind. All the others are hiding and you need to be too." Megumi begged. "Seriously."

Hime turned around with a frown plastered across her face. "Megumi, I-"

"Well well well." Akaoni said from above. "Isn't that Cure Sunny and Cure March's daughter...?" Those names. That was her mothers nicknames. Why does this stranger know them? "Cure Love, am I right?"

Hime looked at Megumi. "What's he talking about..?" Her voiced shacked and she inched closer to her friend. "And why did he call you Cure Love..? Unless...." Realisation struck her.

"If you tell anyone, I'll kill you." She said through her teeth.

Hime gasped. "So this means..."

"GET HIM-AKA!" Amai burst out. "TRANSFORM-AKA!"
Megumi sighed. "But-"
"You've already revealed your secret identity so why can't you transform in front of her-aka?" Amai asked.
"Good point." Amai handed Megumi her LoveCharm and HeartPact.

"Precure! Changing Heart!"

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