Chapter Fifteen: I Am His

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Thank you all for all of your amazing comments and love. I really do appreciate it. Also I just realized that this book is going to be coming to an end..... IM GONNA CRY!! I didn't think that this book would make it this far. 

(SLIGHTLY MATURE CONTENT AHEAD! Nothing terrible, but just in case it's to much, I have a warning up before you get to it.)

(Y/N)'s POV

The sun was starting to set. I was laying in the tree where Bagheera and I sat not to long ago. Shere' Khan was out hunting but I wasn't hungry. I watched as the wolves try to act as if nothing was wrong. They almost looked convincing. But looking at the wolves made me remember Mowgli, Bagheera and Baloo. I felt my eyes start to water and tears start to fall down my face. I could make a run for it, back to Bagheera, Mowgli and Baloo, but I don't even know if they are still alive, or if Mowgli was even saved from Louie. And even if I did manage to escape, or find Bagheera. Shere' Khan would still come looking for me. He would punish the wolves thinking they helped me get away, or he would find Bagheera. It wasn't till now that I realized how much I love Bagheera. 

Wait, do I really love him? I ask myself slowly closing my eyes. Yes. I really do.  

Bagheera's POV (A few hours before (Y/N)'s pov)

We had gotten away from the monkeys, or actually the monkeys were still there, but their King Louie wasn't. He was now crushed under a fallen temple. Mowgli now stands in a tree looking almost shocked that me made it out alive. He then turned to me and Baloo. His shocked and slightly happy face turned into anger. 

"Is it true!?" He asked 

"Is what true?" I asked quietly but I am sure he heard me. 

"Is Aleala dead?" He asked sadness clear in his voice. 

"We were going to tell you." I tried to reason, but his face didn't change.

"YOU KNEW! You both knew! And now, Shere' Khan runs the pack and no one will step up to help (Y/N)! If you wont then I am going to do something about it!" Mowgli yelled jumping out of the tree and running off. Pain filled my heart, I had forgotten that (Y/N) was taken. I didn't actually forget I just... pushed it back to save Mowgli, and he is right. With Akeala dead (Y/n) has no support from the wolves. And now Mowgli has gone to save her... 

"Baloo come one!" I said climbing up the rocks to try and find Mowgli, to tell him we would figure it out together. But as I searched for his scent I couldn't find it. Frustration took over and I bolted off trying to catch any whiff of his scent. Finally I found one. I followed it, we were searching for hours. The sun was starting to set, but as I looked out over a cliff, I saw something. 

"The red flower...." I said to myself. "Mowgli!" I said knowing where he was going. 

Shere' Khan's POV

I was walking back from my hunt, my kill in my mouth. I looked at the sunset as the animal is dragged behind me. As I watch the Sunset, it reminded me of what was to come tomorrow. A smile grew and I started to walk a little faster. I needed to get to (Y/N). I can't wait till tomorrow, I will mate with her tonight. My heart started to race faster and before I knew it I was running as fast I could with a dead animal in my mouth. I reached the wolf pack. I slowly came to a stop searching for my soon to be mate. I didn't see her by the wolves. I growled as I looked around, as I turned my head a little to the left there she was. Sitting on top of a tree. I looked at her sleeping form in awe. She will be mine. 

I started to walk over to the tree. 

"(Y/N)?" I asked dropping the carcass at the base of the tree. She slowly shifted and turned to face me. 

"I have brought you food." I said feeling accomplished. She didn't say a word as she hopped down from the tree. She didn't spare a glance at me, but that was going to change. She brought her body down to eat I saw a perfect opportunity. 


I moved more towards the back of her. She seemed a bit oblivious to me being so close. I smirked a little and slowly moved over her. She seemed tense. Every muscle in her body froze. I didn't hear her growls I was to caught up in the moment. I moved my front paws onto her sides. I heard a loud growls and she moved out from under me her teeth showing on full display.

*Its over you can continue reading now*

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" She shouted catching some wolves attention, I ignored them.

"Claiming what is mine." I said coldly. She was mine and I am aloud to have what is mine.

"I. Am. Not. Yours. To. Claim." She said still in a very defensive position.

"Yes, you are. Who else would you belong to? Bagheera? He doesn't even love you! I do!" She froze. I knew I hit a rough spot she growled again.

"I may not know his feelings towards me, but I would rather live my life loving him, and only him even if he doesn't feel the same, than yo be with you." This infuriated me. I growled and jumped onto her knocking her to the ground with my claws at her neck.

"Fine, if you don't mate with me, then that man-cub is dead." I growled and pressed a bit harder onto her neck. She didn't answer.

All of a sudden animals from the forest started running towards them.

"What is going on!?" I yelled a bird stopped and looked at me.

"The Red Flower is coming." He said before flying away. This could only mean one thing. The man-cub was coming.

(Y/N)'s POV

Shere' Khan got off of me and ran with the animals with am evil look on his face, but then again when didn't he look evil? I was still a little surprised at what had just happened not even 30 seconds ago. But that wasn't the reason I was still laying here while everyone else is running in panic. Maybe Bagheera didn't love me. What if he just thought of me as a friend, or a sister? That made my heart hurt. I slowly started to stand back up. I wasn't in a rush really, so I just walked. Maybe I would find Bagheera or Mowgli there. I thought.

"Why are you not running (Y/N)?" One of the wolves said out of breath.

"Because I don't see a need to run." I didn't even have the courage to look him in the eyes. The wolf soon ran off leaving he to my own shattered thoughts.

"Bagheera... If you can hear me. I love you, even if you don't love me back, I am yours."

Maybe we can try 110 votes? It might be a stretch, but I think we can do it. Also, ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT!! And maybe an epilogue!! I AM SO HAPPY!!!

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