Chapter Four: Training

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sorry for the wait everyone!

"So, (y/n) what do you know about survival, or anything that has to do with fighting, or hunting.?" Akela said getting off of his rock. 

"Um... Nothing?' It came out more like a question, and the smile he had on him face turned into a small frown. 

"Well, this is going to be interesting! Hey Bagheera I have higher skill than someone for once!" Mowgli said jumping up nd down. In my mind I thought that I had more "untapped" skill that no on knows about.

"We don't know that for sure Mowgli. We still have yet to see what she can do." Akela said to Mowgli. The man-cub looked down a little like he was disappointed that I could still be better than him.

"Don't worry Mowgli, you still have a chance." I said trying to cheer him up.

"Well lets stop wasting time! I want to see what (y/n) can do!" Mowgli said running off. Bagheera rolled his eyes a little, and walked after the man-cub. I followed closely behind not wanting to get lost.

"Um...So how does this 'training' thing work?" I asked hoping that I wouldn't get a terrible answer. Bagheera stops and looks at me. 

"It's simple. You run and I chase. Your first lesson is learning how to run. How to find a strategy in order to escape with your life." He said plainly.

"Wait... so if you catch me... does that mean that you are going to kill me?" I asked stupidly, and he gave me a weird look.

"No, but if you don't learn this you will be killed." He started walking again. And then I started thinking. Why is he helping me? I am just more competition for hunting and things like that. When I learn everything that I need to know, he might not want me around and I would have to leave, but there would still be a competition for food. I guess I was in a really deep thought because the next thing that I remember was hitting my head on a tree. I feel to the ground and Bagheera walked up next to me.

"Are you alright?" I slowly looked up at him.

"Yeah, I think so." He helped me up.

"You shouldn't think to hard like that. I don't know if that is what you did in your free time at the man's zoos, but out here you have to be very careful. This isn't like anything you have done before in your life, so I wouldn't expect you to understand yet." I was a little shocked at what he had said. In fact it sounded a bit rude, but I knew that he didn't mean it the way it sounded. Maybe the only way he can show caring feelings is through some sort of lecture or talk of some sort.  

I shook a little to get my head back into the game a bit, and by the time I reached Bagheera, Mowgli was already there. 

"What took you so long?" Mowgli asked jumping and then grabbing a tree branch. 

"That's enough Mowgli. We don't have time for your childish questions today." Bagheera said walking past the tree the man cub was on. "Okay, today's lesson starts here, and will go all the way to the pack's den." The black cat jumped onto the tree and looked at us. "You must find a way to get there without me catching you. The pack will run with you. This lesson is about team work, and strategy. You wont always be alone when you get attacked. And there are going to be times when your partner gets hurt and you need to make a new plan. Mowgli, since you have been around these parts before I want you to accompany (y/n)." Mowgli looked at me and smiled and I didn't quite know how to feel about this training thing. Bagheera split whatever wolves were with us into two, and he told us to get ready. He would give us a 5 second head start. I had to admit my heart was pounding. I didn't know what was going to happen, and this felt real. 

Everyone stood ready, and when we heard Bagheera roar everyone dashed. I followed behind everyone not wanting to get to far ahead or in case Mowgli or someone else. I could hear the panther running towards us. I knew for a fact that he was going to come after me so he could see what I could do. I looked back, and there lies my first mistake... I trip on a tree root, and fall. Mowgli didn't see me fall so I had to muster us the will to stand. At first I didn't feel any pain, but when I started to run I knew that something was wrong with my foot. But I knew that if I couldn't get up now, then I might not as well get up later. So I pushed through it and kept running. I actually caught up to Mowgli who was falling because he couldn't run as fast as the other wolves. I was limping pretty bad, and I couldn't feel my foot anymore. My leg was slowly becoming numb. Might I add that it was the back right leg... so it made life much harder. I was still running on the leg though, and I knew that if I didn't then I would be caught. I looked back at Mowgli who looked very concentrated on running. I could hear Bagheera getting closer and closer, and that's when I had an idea. I hopped onto a tree and climbed it. Mowgli looked at me and followed? Why is he following? Wolves don't climb trees! I could feel Bagheera getting a lot closer now. But this was my only chance of making it. To show Bagheera that I can do anything! 

"So *huff* what tree do we *huff* go onto next?" Mowgli said from behind me. 

"You shouldn't *huff* be up here!*huff*" I said as I slightly looked back at him. "But *huff* since you are up here, just follow me. *huff*" I jumped onto a tree and looked back to make sure Mowgli was still there. When I looked back and he wasn't I heard him running next to me. I didn't like the feeling that I was getting. I got this over protectinve feeling. The kind that told a mother of danger. Then I looked at the tree and saw that it was a dead one. 

"Mowgli! *huff* Don't jump! *huff*" Mowgli jumped on to a branch and it broke and fell. I already knew Bagheera was close behind and wasn't going after me. But when Mowgli was caught I jumped down and walked over to him. I was going to tell him that the tree was broken, but instead or just telling him. My mothering instincts kicked in.

"Mowgli! Why would you do that! You don't jump on dead trees like that!" I was already by Mowgli and Bagheera looked surprised at my actions. 

"How was I supposed to know it was dead?" 

"It's simple, any tree strangled by a creeper is either dead or close to it. This is something that you must know! I told you to follow me!" Mowlgi didn't seem to like me lecturing him. So he turn around and looked me up and down.

"Well at least I was smart enough not to continue to run when I have an injured foot!" I was a terrible insult, but I had forgotten about my foot for a bit, and I looked down. 

"Why do you care about my foot! It will heal, I just need some time." I said sitting down, while calming down. Bagheera looked at me, then my foot.

"How did you do that?" He asked.

"Do what?" I was confused on what he was talking about. 

"How did you not notice your foot? It is almost completely torn off, and you still ran on it?"

"Well, to be honest. i lost all feeling in my leg... and I guess I was just scared. Not of you, but I just didn't really know what to do, and I wanted to pass the first test. Also you said it was about team work, and I didn't want to leave Mowgli, my partner, behind." I said looking him in the eyes. I know my actions changed his opinion on me. But I just didn't know what. Does he think I am foolish? Brave? Crazy? Or just plane stupid? 

Bagheera's pov

She was crazy, foolish... but mostly brave, smart, and kind. She doesn't know when to quit and is going to be there for everyone. maybe she can help Mowgli against Shere khan if I can't. Wait, i don't want to put her in harms ways... i will train her to defend herself so she doesn't have to worry about him.

I hadn't realized that I was staring at her, and decided to change the subject. 

"Um ... here let me see your foot." 

Thank u all for waiting so patiently! I will update soon!

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