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Bagheera's POV

I watched patiently. My heart burned. I stared painfully at lifeless body in front of me. (Y/N) lay there, blood leaking from her neck. I tried to fight back tears, but they came anyway. Baloo sat next to me. 

"She is going to be okay." He said nudging me with his head. 

"I hope so. The bite in her was pretty deep." I said sadly. 

"I know, I am worried about her too, but she is strong and I know she will pull through." Baloo looked at (Y/N) sadly. My (Y/N), me sweet sweet (Y/N). Animals from all over the jungle stayed to take care of her. Sure other animals were injured, but she has made a mark on us all. The wolves helped gather things like herbs, but there wasn't much left from the Red Flower. 

"I don't know what I would do without her." I said to myself not realizing that I had said it out loud. 

"And you wont have to live without her because she is going to live." Baloo assured. I nodded slowly. 

"(Y/N) if you can hear me, I need you to hear this." I started to say. Baloo and the other animals looked at me, listening to me. 

"(Y/N) I.. I love you. I have since the moments I looked into your beautiful eyes. Your pure soul. Your laugh, your humor. Everything about you. Your beautiful (fur color) fur. Your kindness. Oh my god (Y/N) you don't understand how much I love you. With everything in me. And..even..." My voice cracked. "Even if you don't feel the same, I will always be with you. Whether it is as a friend, I just don't want to ever leave you. So please, please for me. Wake up. Wake up and be with me, be with Mowgli, be with everyone that loves you." I said tears already streaming down my face. She didn't move. My hope draining more and more as each second goes by. 

(Y/N)'s POV

I squinted my eyes at a bright light. I lifted my head slowly my vision becoming clear once more. 

"Bagheera?" I asked looking at his sad face. "Bagheera It's me!" I said standing up with no pain in my body. 

"Bagheera why don't you notice me! I'm here!" I shouted sitting in front of him. "Bagheera?" I turned and saw Baloo sitting next to him his head low. 

"I don't know what I would do without her." Bagheera said his eyes clearly becoming wet. 

"And you wont have to live without her because she is going to live." Baloo assured. I tilted my head a bit.  

"Live? But I am standing right in front of you! I am alive I have never physically felt better!" I said stood in front of Bagheera staring him in the eyes, but he never moved to look me in the eyes. Then something seemed to click. I turned and saw my own body laying on the ground, wolves and other animals tending to my wounds. 

"Am... am I dead?" I asked myself. I felt the tears coming and I didn't even try to told them back. 

"(Y/N) if you can hear me, I need you to hear this." Bagheera said. My ears perked up as I listened. 

"(Y/N) I.. I love you."I froze... he loved me? 

"I have since the moments I looked into your beautiful eyes. Your pure soul. Your laugh, your humor. Everything about you. Your beautiful (fur color) fur. Your kindness. Oh my god (Y/N) you don't understand how much I love you. With everything in me. And..even..." His voice cracked and my breath seemed to hitch in my throat. "Even if you don't feel the same, I will always be with you. Whether it is as a friend, I just don't want to ever leave you. So please, please for me. Wake up. Wake up and be with me, be with Mowgli, be with everyone that loves you." I stood up and rested my forehead on his. 

"I love you, Bagheera I love you with everything in me. Please hear me! I heard you, can you please try to hear me! I love you! Bagheera I don't want to leave you please! I love you with all my heart! Please... please!" I cried hysterically. He didn't even move. 

"Bagheera please!" i shouted once more. 

"(Y/N)" A soft angelic voice said. I whipped myself around and found the most beautiful leopard i have ever seen. 

"You.. can see me?" I asked turning around but I didn't move from Bagheera's side. 

"Yes I can see you, but they can't. It is time for you to move on." She said she didn't really look sad, like she has done this so many times to the point where sadness in a numb feeling. I quickly whipped away my tears. 

"I..I can't go. I can't leave." I said taking a step back. 

"I am sorry dear, but I am afraid it is your time." She said taking a step forward. 

"NO! I can't go!" Tears reappearing. Her face actually looked pained right now. 

"(Y/N).... I.... you must come with me." She said. 

"No I wont!" I yelled " I haven't even lived! I still need to live my golden years! I never got to have a family, I can't leave without the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with!" I turned back to Bagheera. 

"Bagheera please don't let them take me." I said. pleading. 

"Please Bagheera." I said before falling to the ground again. I was met with instant darkness again. 

I slowly opened my eyes once again. This time met with Bagheera's surprised yet joyful eyes. 

"(Y/N)!" He said standing up and nuzzling my head. "Your awake." he said breathlessly. Another tear ran down my face as I laughed with a hoarse voice. 

"Bagheera. I...heard you. Every word." His eyes looked into mine as if waiting for a response. 

"Bagheera, I love you, I have always loved you." My throat hurt and talking was hard, but these were words worth the pain, knowing that I can now live happily with the one I love. 

Bagheera's eyes widened as if not expecting that answer. his heart was beating so fast that even I could hear it from outside his body. 

"(Y/N)... will you do the honors of becoming my mate?" He asked seeming more confident. Everyone around listened in, but I don't care, those were the words that I have waited so long to hear. 

"Yes. I want to be your mate." I said. He lifted his head from my forehead and licked my cheek. I smiled as I slowly closed my eyes finally feeling truly pure happiness. 

*3 months later*

"Bagheera? Where are you?" I asked walking into our den. 

"I am behind you." He said with a loving smile. I turned around and walked to him. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked looking back at my neck. I was almost healed completely, just some muscle problems but otherwise I was fine. 

"I am feeling fine." I said licking his cheek. He smiled and nuzzled my head. 

"(Y/N) I need to ask you something." He said walking into the den and I followed close behind. He looked nervous which made me nervous. 

"Bagheera? Are you alright?" I asked walking next to him. He said down and looked at me seriously. 

"(Y/N) what do you think about having...cubs?" 

Thank you all! I love all the support and I am so happy that you all want me to continue! I will make a sequel when (If you want it) when we reach 120 votes!! I know its a smaller amount then the last chapter, but I am feeling generous today. XD I love you all and I am looking for a new cover and title for the next book! I may make the book depending on the title. 

I am also looking for sequel ideas. I love you all and I hope to 'see' you all soon! 

Trust In Me (2016) Bagheera x reader *completed*Where stories live. Discover now