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I barged into the school doors already late as fuck. "Holy shit!" I ran to my second period and luckily managed to be on time. "Sky! Why are you here-" Alexa my best friend was talking but I wasnt paying attention because I was already zoning out. But can you blame me?!

She was just so beautiful.

I knew Sky since we were 8 years old. She punched my bully Brittney in the face (cliché I know) which of course made us become best friends.

"Hello, earth to sky," she put a hand in front of my face catching my attention. "Oh sorry I was just day dreaming about Derek." I lied referring to my boyfriend.

I mean I did love him. Right?

"Gurl, you're so whipped." She was right about me being whipped, just for a different person...

"So why are you so late?" "Oh last night I was babysitting my neice."

2nd lie in a row.

I didnt want her to know why I was really late, because then one question would lead to another and she would find out my secret I've been hiding from her since I for years.

~flashback to last night~

"Youre a disgrace to this family!" My father shouted in my ear as tears trickled down my cheeks that were now red and puffy. "P-please s-top," my voice trembled as he threw his whip at me causing bruises up my arms and legs.

My dad was bipolar. The next day he would forget this all happened and the next he would start drinking again mourning over my mums dead body and abuse me again.

It was all like a cycle.

"If only your mum could see what a mess you are!"

"Mum would support me no matter what decisions I make!" I argued. "Dont raise your voice at me, you naive girl!" He hit me again this time punching my guts out.

It was no use to fight back. I lived like this ever since my mum died 3 years ago. I am now 17 years old feeding myself even though I was all bones since my father didn't have a job and I just worked as a barista at starbucks having to pay for the rent and food and my school bills.

Alexa and my other friends (Conner, Derek , and Hayley) never knew about this since I always insisted going to their place or out.

When I woke up in the morning my Dad would be gone and I would continue my usual morning routine and snack on frozen waffles and expired OJ.

~back to present time~

"So when do I get to see your dad?" Alexa asked. "He's on a buisness trip." I rushed.

"I feel like you dont want me to me your dad," she said her look of sadness taking over. "Its not that, he's just always away," I said quickly not wanting her to suspect anything.

"Well you can sleep over my house tonight since he's away, if you want."

"I'll be there I just have to do some stuff first, thanks for the offer Ally." And like that the conversation ended and we payed attention in class. (Which is very rare if you ask me)


"Dylan O'Brien is soooo hot!" Alexa commented. I giggled in response. Alexa was UPSESSED with Dylan O'Brien and Tyler posey while I was upsessed with Shelley Hening and Crystal Reed instead.

"I don't get how you dont find them attractive!"

"I just don't!" I was never attrcacted to Dylan or Tyler in a weird way. We spent the rest of the night stalking Hot guys and gals. doesnt everyone do that once in awhile?!

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