Doubt the size of a mustard seed

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A week had passed since the little exchange with Derek occurred. Conner almost got suspended for me. I did have to admit that I did miss my little group of us 4, but I still had Hayley.

"I totally thought you guys were cute together. I was sure blind," Alexa said referring to me and Derek.

I was sleeping over just like I have since the incident. Also because I was trying as hard as I could to avoid my father.

However, I knew deep down the longer I stayed away, the worse it would get.

We were laying on her bed with Hayley painting her nails a shade of hot pink.

"Nah, I always thought she could do better than that piece of dirt," Hayley added not looking up from her nails.

"Well I mean of course he didn't deserve her, but I would've never expected him to be like the way he was."

"You'd think being best friends with someone for two years, you'd truly know them."

I was quiet the whole time while they exchanged their opinions on my ex boyfriend.

"Why are you so quiet Sky?" Hayley noticed.

"Guys can we just not talk about him. It's giving me this sick feeling in my stomach," I answered. "Agreed."

"How about we talk about getting you someone else? Someone who you totally deserve." Hayley offered.

"No thanks. I want a break from men altogether itself for a while if thats okay."

"Of course it is. Sound refreshing if you ask me. I think I'll try it sometime."
Haley was the most beautiful liked girl in her grade. She had a new boyfriend every month. Whether if she met them threw a cruise, a bump in downtown, or just an exchange student she snatched up.

Alexa rolled her eyes at Hayley. "Ya sure."

"At least I haven't dated only one of the same guy since ever." "Conners a great guy. You're just jealous you cant find a guy who wants to settle down." They argued.

"We both know thats not true," Hayley said.

"What is she talking about?" I asked curiously suddenly interested. "You never told her?" "Told me what?"

"Thanks Hayley. I never told you cause its just brief uncertainty, but I don't know I feel like I kinda just lost the spark, you know?"

I listened patiently. "It feels like I'm closely losing interest, but I know its just a phase. Conners the one. Who I can actually see myself have a future with."

This took me by surprise. Conner and Alexa were perfect together. They were the definition of the golden couple.

"Its just I feel like we're not to good of a match. We're both goody popular kids. I need an adventure. Someone completely different from me, who would make a perfect match somehow. An adventure."

"Whatever. Its nothing."

But it wasn't nothing. It was everything in fact. This uncertainty she had, even if it was a little, could change everything.

"You shouldn't force yourself into somethings you're unsure of," I advised.

"I love him, I do. But sometimes I wonder, what if years of being with him was just a waste of time. A distraction from whom I meant to be with..."

"Thats how it was for me and Derek."

"If only I didn't waste that much time on him, and more of discovering myself."

"Oh well, I'm not ruing everything with him all for just a confusing thought in my head."

"Well if thats what you want Lexi," Hayley said trying to involve herself.

The rest of the night was a great night. I was with the people who actually cared about me.

Its not often you meet those people.
But when you do, don't every let them go...

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