brief moment

18 1 0

"Hey do you want to do something?" Alexa asked me hanging from her bed.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, lets go to a party or something." I gulped at her answer. "What?! I've never been to a party." This made her pop off her bed and turn toward me.

"What?! Oh we're so going to this party. Its at Conners house." I don't know why she seemed surprised at my usual inexperienced teenaged life. She shouldn't be surprised by this time.

"I-i don't know. I don't think I should."

She gave me this look I couldn't resist. "Come on, you have to go. Please for me." The look in her eye was pleading, and I just couldn't say no to that beautiful face.

"Fine Alexa. But its not like I have anything to wear." I looked at my dirty outfit.

"Please, you know my closets your closet. Ooh! I'm so dressing you up!" She giddied in excitement.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Fine."

She started doing my makeup, gently applying the everything like a pro. We were so close, I could taste her. She smelled like cherry chapstick. My breathing was rigid at the proximity. I saw deep into her hazel eyes. They were tangling me in. Her long blond curls framed her soft face. Her rosy pink lips were tempting. The look on her face gave me the wrong idea.

As if she could sense the tension, and what would've happen if she didn't pull away, she cleared her throated and packed away the make up bag. 

This has been happening a lot. I could use getting my ass drunk as hell at the party. You know clear my head for  bit. Make me forget her. Cause I know she'll never want me the way I want her.

Time to forget this night....

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