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God that bell is so damn annoying! I quickly grabbed all my books and ran to the locker room since my 3rd period is .P.E.

The period I hate the most...

I always felt so shy and insecure to change in front of all the confident girls with beautiful bodies, curved waistes, big hips, nice tan, etc.

I on the other was the skinny fragile person who tried to change away from all the girls.

I had scars up on pretty much all my body, and I was under weight. I remember that time Brittney said I looked like a twig and was anorexian which I actually take seriously and not funny.

I cried for a week because she reminded me when I starved myself and how I barely eat anything  because of my dad now.

I rushed in the corner struggling to take this stupid cardigan off.

I felt someone pull it off for me and turned around to Alexa taking off her shorts and flowy shirt.

"Thanks, these things are to complicated and itchy." My eyes shamelessy trailed down her. Well the phase 'Nobody is perfect' has clearly not met Alexa. "Ive offered to take you on a shopping spree."

"Im fine being plane, I dont like the fancy and trendy stuff anyway."

While we were conversing I quickly put on these stupid .P.E. long shorts and top before the only person who cared would notice.

"You're so athletic how do you do it?" Alexa was the team captain in volleyball and softball. I prefered more artys stuff like painting and dancing so I look like   a pathetic dweeb getting face planted with the dodgeball and falling on my ass when I would attempt to kick the ball and would miss in soccer.

"Its SO easy I dont know how you cant do it." She mocked me and earned a glare from me.

''Shut up."

"Okay listen up girls! Today youre going to run a 5k without stopping have fun!" Ugh todays going to be a long day...

"Hey Babe,"

Connor said wrapping an arm around Ally as did Derek. "Missed ya''Ally swung her arms around Conner making me cringe.

Was this bad with Derek?

''Do you wanna come over tonight?" Derek whispered in my ear. I remember when I would shiver under his whisperings, but now it doesnt have that affection on me anymore. "I can't I have to study."

"Its always 'I can't' I barely see you anymore," he complained. We were currently at lunch and Ally was too busy flirting with Conner making girls glare at her to notice us. "I miss you."

"Do you miss me or you do you just want to take advantage of me?!"

"What the hell Sky! I love you for who you are and not for extra company."

Do you even know who I am?! Its not like you even know whats going on with my father and dead mother.

''Fine you want me to come I'll be there at 6.''

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