Memory Lane

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I apologize for the long wait to update, I had a few issues with this because I was never really good at writing villains so I decided to leave that part out and have Leon and You talk about it instead of show it. Anyways, besides that I hope you all enjoy, I plan to get back on my scheduel on updating at least once every week but we'll see how that goes. Remember I take requests so please leave a request in the comments if you have one and I'll see what I can do for you. Thank you :D

Leon yawned for what felt like the thousandth time that day as he watched You make breakfast. It was only morning yet he was so tired as if he haven't slept in months which wasn't a complete lie. He rested his arms on the table while laying his face in then, trying to listen to what You were saying. Leon loved Your voice and he loved listening to You talk or sing but today his mind was elsewhere, more specifically on the time You and he had met.

Flash back...

"So what's the basics of the case?" An exhausted Leon asked and Hunnigan, his long time loyal informer, sighed. She glared faintly at Leon but opened the case file again.

"Didn't you read it when I told you too?" Leon shrugged with his famous cocky smirk.

"Maybe maybe not."

"Ugh I can't with you." Leon chuckled as she cleared her throat.

"So the background of the case is that there have been reports of unauthorized scientific study going on there as well as laboratory experiments. People around the neighborhood have gone missing, as well as animals like homeless dogs and cats, and the police of the area believe it all leads to that house you are in right now-"

"More like creepy typical horror flick mansion." Leon mumbled, cutting her off.

"Anyway, people believe that this place is where the research is being conducted. Although unfortunately for you, we don't know exactly where in the place it is happening or what exactly is the main topic of the research." Leon sighed.

"Lemme guess, I have to run around this creepy ass place like a headless chicken just to find that out?" Hunnigan only nodded and Leon rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't say headless chicken, more like a rabid dog. You want to get in and out as fast as possible."

"Kinda impossible to do that if I don't know what I'm looking for or where to start." Hunnigan sighed.

"Well all the more reason to start now. I'll upload the blueprint map of the place to give you an advantage. Anything you find is useful so don't hesitate to pick it up." Leon nodded, looking around.

"If you come across people, I suggest taking a good look at them before pulling the trigger. You never know if they could be alive or not so just be careful."

"Yeah. Tell me why they didn't get the BSAA on this again."

"Because it wasn't a big enough issue to pull the big guns on this case yet. However, your investigation conclusions will decide that factor later."

"Perfect." The blond male said sarcastically, earning a chuckle from Hunnigan.

"Just be careful and everything will go fine. You survived Racoon, I'm sure this will be a walk in the park. Hunnigan out." The communicator cut off after that so Leon put it in his pocket. Leon looked around, huffing a sarcastic laugh.

"Walk in the park my ass, parks aren't this fucking dark and creepy." Leon mumbled to himself as he began to walk up the large stairs to his right, deciding to start his investigation.

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